
Yup. I hate trump as much as the next American, but the hatch act doesn’t seem to actually be enforced ever. 

He bought based on a material statement by the ceo which so far has turned out to be false. 

Nope, the burden of proof is on Musk. He claimed that funding is secured, he needs to prove that. 

Buy in is not buy out. 

$420 would value the buyout at north of $80bn. It’s highly unlikely he could make that happen at this time. 

You clearly don’t understand what an SEC violation is or how serious it can be. Musk lied in a material statement. He broke law, period. 

No, it’s really not. Musk broke the law here, the shorts were playing by the rules. 

It doesn’t matter if the idea was pitched to the board. It DOES matter whether or not he actually has the funding secured for the transaction, which is highly doubtful. 


Musk broke the law here and you want those affected to suffer?

Companies can be sued by non shareholders. I’d say a majority of legitimate lawsuits are by non shareholders. 

When you gamble and lose because the game was rigged it is absolutely not your own fault. Assuming musk lied here (which he most likely did), he’s at fault and legally liable for the losses. 

If the ceo makes a knowingly false material statement (which he did), nobody speculated incorrectly. The game was rigged. 

You have no problem with someone breaking the law to screw over people who are abiding by it?

Assuming musk lied in his tweet (which he most certainly did), the lawsuits aren’t “false”, and it was musk manipulating the market. 

It is highly unlikely that he has the funding secured. 

Short selling doesn’t screw over companies in any way. A ceo knowingly making false material statements however, is illegal.  

Assuming musk was lying (which he most certainly was), the bet was rigged. I can’t believe people attempting to justify this. It’s a clear sec violation. 

“Negative press” from random short seller dude is not the same as the ceo making false statements. Nice try. 

But it’s not illegal at all, so the guy is playing by the rules. Assuming musk lied about having secured funding (which he most certainly did), what he did actually WAS illegal. So you know, there’s that.