
Funny, white Kansans of my generation (X) and older would always use The Paseo as their example of dangerous place the cops might drop you if you mouthed off. It’s the first major street east of Troost and therefore might as well be named “Thar Be Dragons” in the suburban imagination.

As a KC resident, it certainly feels like most people want an MLK Boulevard in the city... just not shoehorned into the easily-referenced and well-known Paseo Blvd. When the name was changed in the first place it felt a lot like “hey here’s a road that runs through the black part of town, I bet we could slap MLK on

Let’s all stop saying Jimmy’s name, so he can die that second death first!

Not going to lie. It would be a funny joke if you forgot who said it....

Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name. In some ways men can be immortal. - Ernest Hemingway

Goodbye everyone. It’s been a hell of a ride. Never made it out of the greys but that’s ok.

“Or jizz”- my college gf

If you’re not supposed to swallow it, it’s gum. Or chewing tobacco. Or Hardee’s. 

A movement I can get behind...


Bears are giant dogs in the same way tigers are giant tabby cats. I’m sure science will back me up on this one.

I like it...


Dogs’n’bears only, please.

There is way too much sports talk diluting this website’s content. Please stick to dogs.

Fuck you and I’ll miss you, you jackhole.

But can I still listen to his theme song, “I wanna rock” by Twisted Sister?

The White Sox are trash!

Honestly if all of you just disappeared off the face of the earth, I probably wouldn’t even notice the dearth of bad takes. 

It’s been a huge pleasure being less funny than all of you for almost fourteen years now. In conclusion: go fuck yourselves, one and all.