The Henry Ford Museum has one—it has over 85000 flying hours on it. Nearly 10 FULL YEARS—in the air.
The DR1's top speed actually sucked, but 100% on the other 2 points. Although personally I vote for the D VII as a better demonstration of those qualities.
Actually, the ME262 wasn't the first jet fighter in action—the Gloster Meteor beat it into action by a matter of weeks.
Best thing is coat the windshield in Rainex—it essentially seals the glass so the water rolls right off. no need for wipers at all in all but the heaviest rain.
I know it was a joke in the article, but really, you should speed up. Laws of hydrodynamics at work here. think of the road as a pipe. the pipe narrows. now in order for the pipe to handle the same volume, the substance it carries must increase in velocity.