
This is some top notch creative race baiting.

“i need a new word to make me feel special” no one gives a shit - the world.

You people have brought us EDM and the Kardashians. This is why your children will all be small headed Zika people.

That is some fine rationalization.

A lot of bad things are written about millennials.

People have been writing and say shit about the generations that follow them for generations. When are the fucking millenials going to stop crying about it? Or are they going to wait for their helicopter parents to make everyone stop making fun of them?

It’s pretty wack to be out in Portland and see 19-year-olds taking selfies every half block for their Snapchat feed. Wish I were kidding. This shit is raw and it’s happening everywhere. Vapid content creating is on the rise because it’s easier than ever. It’s fucking real.

I am 47, I hate millennials and this tweet is 100% true.

Fuck you millennials. Love Gen X. We’ll always have better music.

Glad I knew exactly where to stop reading this article:

It’s not just starter marriages, it’s pretty much everything. Millennials are the worst generation this country has produced. You’re shallow, self absorbed and basically ignorant about anything that really matters.

What? I’m sorry. I was too busy riding on my hoverboard while listening to [POPULAR MUSIC BAND] and simultaneously reloading my vape pen and not buying an automobile or newspaper to read the article in question.

Feminists have been setting a precedent for this against men and some women for the past few decades, now the wrecking-ball is simply swinging back at them.

Like when the president of Mozilla was fired because the internet demanded it after finding out that he wasn’t in favor of gay marriage? Or was that one okay?

I think companies really need to get out of the habit of hiring SJWs just because the internet demands it. It only encourages censorship and bullying other people into believe what you want

I don’t know, places like Chicago and New Orleans would suggest that they manage to get a lot of shots off at other black people week after week. I know it’s fun for self-loathing white people to pretend otherwise, mind you, so good luck getting anyone on any Gawker-related site to care—hence the idea that it’s more

Twenty people starred your comment. I wish we could attach faces to each star, so we could gather you all and keep you in a petting-zoo like area. People could visit you, feed you headlines on a piece of paper, and see faux outrage created on the spot - tantrum stops, clenched fists and red faces galore. Kind of like

Was wondering how long it might take to make this a racial outrage.

Way to work racism in there. +10 internet points.