
To the useful fucking idiots at Gawker. Shitstains, America gives zero fucks about your precious Muslims, safe spaces, transexuals, free abortions, or that Mr. Trump says words that hurt your feefees. We love his words, especially the ones that make you go apeshit. Zero fucks given when you rail and cry and say “look

POC cannot be sexual predators! Fucking racists here at Gwaker.

the stigma around a male of color being abused is even greater.

Another stinking pile from Gawker Media. Calling a pedophile out is now a smear campaign? How low and vile can the SJW movement sink? How can anyone defend this narcissist pervert?

So, a narcissist millennial who cannot refuse to make her life a fabulous non-stop social media update learns that being the center of attention has consequences, sometimes negative, especially when espousing pro-pedo viewpoints. Naturally, the narcissist takes to social media to whine dishonestly about her first

This blog post is a good start, in that you’ve found a novel way to race bait, and also get points for publishing early so that fellow SJW white progressives can wake up and wallow in outrage first thing. That said, keep going because you’re nowhere close to the daily Gawker quota yet, and of course this doesn’t

Your clever hot take would be correct if the race was between two American blacks, then one would be shot in the back and the media would ignore it.


Now playing

I love taking a stroll back in time. Let’s go waaay back to 2010 to see what our presidential contenders were up to. Surely none were heaping praise on a KKK big wig?

What is this weak, thin gruel?

Trump - Hogan 2016! Embrace the inevitable.

Lots and lots and lots of word vomit to prove once again the Left enjoys nothing more than eating its own. OMNOMNOM.

They in fact burned one of Obama.

Absent your impeccable coverage is the effigy of Obama that also went up in flames:

That’s a nice story. How about this?

In summary, throw away all legal contracts when I feel that a person is a jerk. You’ve missed the part about kicking her in the head to death and raping her grandchildren, because JERK!

Well said. Everyone knows all great civilizations are built upon poisoning rude olds to death.

Yep, asshole. That’s why I get to vote for whomever I think represents my best interests. Give zero fucks about illegal immigrants, prefer they stop, you know, breaking the law. A law, by the way, that is fundamental to every modern nation state and weirdly mimics my right to live in a house with literal walls and