
Yeah, anti-vac places choose those names for that purpose, that allusion to legitimacy. In Australia, one was legally required to change their name (under Fair Trading laws) from Australian Vaccination Network to Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network.

the fuck, the fuck, the fuck! No No NO!!! I have seen a lot of dead bodies. Dead bodies in homes. Dead bodies in cars. Dead bodies at roadside. In their kitchen. In their bathroom. We had to remove a toilet one time because we had no place to stand because the dead body took up the entire floor space, being over 700

I think another psychological piece is the desire/need to belong. That is certainly true for my mother, who has always been poor, and it was for me when I was growing up. Feeling like I could cover up my inherent (but at the time unidentifiable) differences from the other kids if I looked more like them.

Exactly. It honestly shocked me that Jezebel commenters wouldn't see how inappropriate it is to weigh in on her decisions in the first place. This is something that happens to poor women too much. Their decisions are open to much more scrutiny than most people have to face every day, and those who do the scrutinizing

Okay, what I'm getting from your comments is that you think poor people should wait until they are financially stable before having kids. That works fine for someone who is starting a career but can reasonably expect to make more money as time goes on. But what if there's no light at the end of the tunnel? What if

I read an article in.. NPR I believe about why poor people waste money on "status symbols" (Things like nice watches, car payments etc.) and it goes into the psychological factors behind them. How sometimes, in order to get what you need, be it legal assistance, help with housing assistance, a job, a little leeway

I know, right? Poor African American women and LAtina women get this too. HOW DARE GET YOU A PEDICURE AND A ROLLER SET?

But how do you know that she couldn't afford them when she had them? And so what do you do when your life changes? Like, for example, your husband becomes a drug addict, destroys your savings, steals your stuff, causes a divorce and extra bills and then leaves you with kids and no support?

So poor people should definitely always look poor, have the cheapest clothes and haircuts possible, live in the tiniest homes, drive the shittiest cars, and deny themselves any luxury that costs money so they can save up their $10 a month, every month and by the time they're 80, they'll be able to purchase that

KillerMartinis helped me understand why so many in poverty smoke. I had always looked down on those folks and wondered why they spent so much money on cigarettes. KillerMartinis actually addressed my question in the comments of her great article and helped me understand that when you're struggling, it's nice to have a

I can see how it is not fiscally responsible to spend on a haircut when you need meds. Maybe the meds she is forgoing is pain meds. Being that she was with someone that turned into an addict, maybe she thought twice of personal comforts through medication and thought a day feeling like a princess was much more

Laziness, bad habits and not keeping their legs closed. Don't forget poor women must abstain from all sex for their entire lives. *eyes rolling too fast- getting dizzy*

I love this comment more than I could ever say.

especially when her friend in the picture is clearly wearing a sign that says, "Die, Tumor, Die"?

Every fucking time someone says that the poor are lazy or don't work, I think of the women I see on the bus carting their kids from school to day care so they can get to their second job. Many poor work 2-3x as hard as the rest of us. Physical work, especially, is exhausting and back breaking. Its a lot harder than

If her Rx is uninsured, it is quite possible that $90 wasn't going to be a drop in the damn bucket.

It wasn't a very responsible decision, but it's pretty human to think something like "this $87 isn't going to make a difference in my savings in the long-term, and I deny myself so many things already- goddamit, for once, I'm spending money on something unnecessary that I want." I don't think anyone in the world has

Working 16 hour shifts.... all week.....for days on end

If I found out I was pregnant at a bar, my reaction would be "Whelp, better make it a double!" as I frantically called Planned Parenthood, but then again I'm an irresponsible hoor

OH how I wish witches were real. I know, these are real witches in that they are pagan and they practice their Craft and probably have a tight community, but I want those damn WITCHES to be real, the ones who ride around on brooms with scraggly hair and cast REAL spells on people and are fearless defenders of black