
I wonder if the AT&T CEO was a former NBC executive. Sounds like something they'd do.

So, the company is saying, "We made swords. Don't use them as swords." Let the lawsuits commence.

Looks like Deep Thoughtâ„¢

So he's looking for the body.....why again? Needs a date for the weekend or something?

Are there too many jobs in the world with too few people to fill them that we need robots for every freaking thing?

Well, back to the library for my free movies...

If you'd have posted this article BEFORE my proctology exam, I might have agreed with you. But no.

I can see a partnership with Nerf...

Until the kids create accounts and swear that they were born in 1985...been there, seen that, listened to the irate parent who blames the company because it won't properly babysit their child.

I'm in when they create Battlefield 3: Explosive Broomcloset.

And they didn't use a puncture-resistance tanker truck because......?

Not much of a threat when there's another 50 people in line down below waiting to fill your position. To many companies, people are expendable and exhaustible.

Now if they could just combine this with Sensurround, then we'd have something...

Yes, because toothpicks are just so gauche (sp?).

We used to call that 'Thinning the Herd'.

See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. -Robin Williams

Wow. Where did he get a gun shaped like game controller?

Why do I envision the mountain becoming an active volcano and filling the quarry and everyone in it with hot molten lava?

5 years from now, our USB drives will probably be around 1 Terabyte and this little toy will sit unused right next to the Chia Pet and the Pocket Fisherman.

Use NOTHING but Audiograbber. Best ever.