
Arrows are the most complex symbols on the whole damned planet. Just check any parking lot that uses them.

I remember the Excel Flight Simulator. When I found out the sequence, I told one person in the office. A day later, EVERYBODY knew the sequence. Needless to say, management was pissed. The next day, they sent out an email to everyone telling them to avoid using it and tried for about a week to get M$ to remove the

A sticker?! Holy crap, now I gotta have one!

I think that money could be better spent by buying our votes. Mine anyway. I don't care who wins the election as long as they accomplish two things.

This kinda flies in the face of a known law of mechanics: For every faster piece of hardware, there's an equal and opposite Microsoft program.

Even at $8000, Elvis would still shoot it if there's nothing on.

It's getting to the point where you go to see a movie in the theater and on the way out they just hand you a DVD copy of the movie to take home.

Fast forward 6 months from the introduction of gender-bending characters: The first lawsuit contending video-game hate crimes from PVP servers. Heard on customer-service phone lines and GM emails: "Waaah! Other people keep killing my character!"

It's a scientific fact that if you fill a Hummer's tank while the engine is running, the tank will never fill. This is known as 'Perpetual Suck'.

And this is why I stay about 3 years behind the times when it comes to tech. I think I'm about ready for the 1st-gen Ipad. About $50 bucks I'd say.

I think it would be fair if in return the game company could remove the memory of playing the game at all with an ice cream scoop. If he had fun playing the game, then no. If he's upset over a Quicktime cutscene, then meh.

Meh. I had a jacket like that in 1985...

Agreed. My grandmother had one and I loved it as it raised what you were toasting high enough to pull it out without resorting to a butterknife to spear it. We're in the 21st century and our toaster technology has gone backwards.

Knowing Microsoft penchant for repackaging things we've been using for the last 20-x years, all our icons will be rearranged and made different colors, meaning we'll be spending 20 minutes trying to find Control Panel. All the menus will be gone, replaced by the ribbon that everyone loves so much (in M$'s mind), and

Good call, putting this story right next to the giant penis festival story. Puts things in perspective...

Here's a plain and simple truth: Everything mankind creates or mutates will inevitably kill you. Proof? Watch ANY drug commercial with the words, "Ask your doctor about...". The side effects are far worse than the problem you're trying to take care of.

I remember doing these as a child and I don't think I ever spent more than $5 on a model. Now, I can't believe the prices on model kits! The cheapest one I could find (also the cruddiest) was $15. Yeesh, I can play with R/C cars and helicopters cheaper than that!

So remember, if you have these suckers at Red Lobster, it's cannibalism...

Wow. A Chinese condom factory. Love the irony.

Brilliant article! I decided about 8 months ago that my Windows machine was going to be the LAST version of Windows I ever use (and I've been using Windows since 3.0). I've been using LinuxMint on my house server and my kitchen computer and I haven't looked back! Yes, there's a learning curve, but I don't have to