yearning burner circus

If CBS values my opinion so much why isn't Kevin James buried neck deep in hippo shit right now?

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

This made me collapse laughing.

Sadly, not the first bridge/water to suffer structural damage in Minnesota.


Apparently you’re not familiar with Title K-IX.

This move is actually in NBA 2K16. To activate it, hold the left stick in the direction you want to go, then click the right stick button while pressing the X (square on PS4) and holding down the left trigger modifier to use the left hand or the right trigger modifier to—

Keep fighting the good fight.

“They only showed him kill that guy on replay” is my favorite comeback of all time now. Find that hill and die on it, buddy.

Clearly wasn’t the “whole NFL”, some were crying because they laughed so hard. Stop with your hyperbole,

2016 sucks even more now because of your post

Jesus may have had a high WHIP, but the whole stat book’s full of individual achievements. Noah could collect doubles, the Prodigal Son could get home, Eve could steal.

Yasiel Puig aside, clubhouse chemistry is not only a disproved recipe for success, but also prohibited under the collectively bargained Major League Baseball Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program.

Perhaps they should just move Rick Ankiel Jr. to the outfield now and save him some embarrassment.

He was busy protecting his own girlfriend, pictured here:

Well, I haven’t fought one person for so long. I’ve been specialized in groups, battling gangs for local charities, that kind of thing.

Look at it this way, last time players in that locker room hated each other they brought a shitload of guns in to settle it. This is an improvement!

Apparently you weren’t watching taekwondo in the Olympics. More aimless foot waving than a Daniel Day Lewis movie.

Someone needs to tell Valencia that’s not how you play Clue.

It was then the players learned Butler had dyslexia.