+1 crippling design flaw
+1 crippling design flaw
I don’t buy Ishmael’s whale tale. His history shows he has Ahab-it and history of abuse. It will be fascinating to see if his girlfriend will stand by Herman.
I may be a noob who doesn’t play GTA, but it seems to me that it is more bizarre to hunt a combination rat-humanoid than to try to blow up a dam.
My life is beyond reparable, which is why I spend such vast amounts of time here.
Jamal Crawford Blatantly Carries
The Chargers finally got Bosa...
The soundtrack for Madden 2004 is the greatest album since Abbey Road.
+1 original sin
I’m weirdly aroused by the idea of Dodgers sobbing uncontrollably. Go Giants!
Still a better rendition of Shattered Glass than that piece-of-shit Hayden Christensen movie.
After beating the living shit out of four clubbers in the bathroom, Nick went on to infect several Vegas hookers with his other signature move, the Stockton Clap.
Build a mega-complex on the Great Pacific garbage vortex, invite all the members of the IOC to its opening ceremony, and nuke it into oblivion. Problem solved!
Counterpoint: In my time at school, I visited the student health center 3 times and was misdiagnosed every single time.
Connor Barwin: He got hit in the head by Sharon’s WHAT?
Glad to hear that Khal Drogo’s little dragon eggs are still in working order!
They say these things tend to happen in threes. Please be A-Rod please be A-Rod please be A-Rod please be A-Rod plea
Getting liquid cheese shot in your eye is known as the Allegheny Steamer.
New Pokemon: Andranik
Hate to see the Cardinal’s machine Leake oil like this