Red Horse of the Apocalypse

I think the smartest thing I heard after the debate was the suggestion that she may have not chopped his head off because she has it in the bag. If she’d dealt a knockout blow, the GOP could (in theory) pull something out of a hat and get a better candidate in there.

Don’t mud wrestle with a pig. You’ll get dirty, and he’ll have a good time.

He thought “beat writer” was a command.

The ghost of fascism past.

Rather off topic, but I love the fact that Hillary calls him “Donald”. I know it just grates his nerves.

I’m a 25 year old white guy who has never experienced any sort of physical threat, intimidation, or discrimination. Watching and listening to Trump tonight made me physically anxious.

Whatever it is I’m sure they’ll drag Bill Clinton into it. 

Can’t wait for Rudy to spin for this guy when the recording of Trump dropping the N-word surfaces.

How, with a straight face, can the NFL schedule New England to play Cleveland?

Back when Giuliani was running his kids refused to endorse him or show up for him. His daughter is publicly working for Clinton. Kids can stand on their own principles.

Buy them furniture?

Browns are putting the 0-16 in 2016.

Yup. And even if you’re good at multiplayer AND you have a fun team to play with, it STILL means you HAVE to sit through an entire mission in one sitting. You can’t put the controller down for 1 second...

This. Can he and I be ungreyed now?

Reading novels worth of text. I’m sorry Pillars of Eternity, I love you, but could you get to the friggin point already and let me do something cool, I have to read enough emails and code at work.

Apps for games I own, nope, not going to download, I really do not care.

MMO’s. I just don’t have the time.

Video Game Shit I’m Too Old For: Grinding.

Online multiplayer. Very few of my friends play games these days, and I have no interest in playing with strangers.

We had the third party candidate who’s polling in the double digits complain because vaping wasn’t brought up in a debate. I’d say we have our priorities in order.