Red Horse of the Apocalypse

“We believed we did the right thing. Until the public found out, then we really did the right thing.”

Love that pic.

I don’t see Russia actively trying to get Clinton elected, so that theory can go back up your ass now.

Arg. This is my problem with the show.

If those policies do come back, maybe we can get a decent remake of Red Dawn out of it.

Yes, of course. I never said I was pro-Hillary, just anti-Trump, anti-Conservative.

Every single Trump supporter is supporting Russia by proxy.

I 100% agree, and am totally stumped by this. The conservatives that adore Trump so much are bascially trying to open the door for Russia. RUSSIA YOU FUCKING RETARDS. They are not on our side, and do not want good things for us. Yet they still are amazing pro-Russia for some god forsaken reason.

He’s still a murder, turn coat, and oathbreaker. Fuck him.

I think this is going to be a litmus test. If Theon lives after the encounter, we know the showrunners have taken the arc for their own. No way GRRM would let him live.

A friend of mine pre-ordered one, and is currently scheduled for delivery in 2019. He literally mentions it every single chance he gets and kind of rubs it in, so I am feeling somewhat schadenfreude-y about this article.

All I know is that this has turned into a GOT-style “you’ve read the comics” or not.

I agree with your husband. That was the worst thing I’ve ever seen on TV. For me, it was less about the gore, and more about the total emasculation of Rick. It was tough to watch, and not at all entertaining.

Religious people can be so fucking stupid. I know we all can at times, but there is an entire tier of not just ignorance, but full blown rocks-where-my-brain-should-be stoopid.

What is best for the Nation is for the Cubs to lose in spectacular fashion in Game 6, then shit the bed in Game 7 to perpetuate our greatest treasure, schadenfredue.

It would have been such a better move on their part. People would have spent the summer talking about gruesome the episode was, and how they think would get his revenge, and it would have dissapated the sadness (that I least I feel) over Rick’s complete tear down and emasculation.

For me, the beatings were nothing compared to watching the life and manhood taken from Rick.

The closest comparison I have is the movie Kids or Clockwork Orange. I wish I had never seen either, and would like to add last night’s episode to that list.

Watching the emasculation of a man is literally the opposite of what I find entertaining. I want to go back in time and read a book instead of sitting through that.

Jesus, calm the fuck down.