Red Horse of the Apocalypse

When my mother was 6 years old in 1946, the doctors cauterized the insides of her nose and some sinus b/c her nosebleeds were so bad. It kind of runs in the family, since I got terrible ones as a child, and so does one of my two kiddos.

the NBA is a league of stars having fun playing a game. Football is a procedural rules exposition.

2.0 is Hamilton’s portfolio so he can move to Jacobin.

I like to say it as “Deb-a-cull” rather than “duh-bock-ul” because it sounds really stupid that way and it makes me chuckle. I’ve also heard it where the “ul” is dropped so it sounds like “duh-bockl”, with a little tiny silent L. Fuck those people.

Agreed. I believe that in 10-20 years the NBA will be crushing the NFL in ratings and attendance.

Agreed. I don’t understand how Trump’s fake PATRIOTS can rationalize siding with candidate where Russia is openly helping them win. RUSSIA, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS.

She’s speaking to an audience who bases everything they believe on what their Daddy or Preacher said. Their ability to reason was never developed.

[ ] Clinton / Kaine

That statement alone is enough for me to avoid this show.

That was what I was thinking too. Just purposefully fuck up the print 5 times, and you have to use a pin. why does anyone need a website to tell them a rule on how to judge people? What the fuck - use your god damned brain. If some chap lies to you on more than one occasion, are you going to trust them again, just to fufill some magic number as you put it.

This is digusting. I would rather stick my hand in a fire than touch a greasy pizza.

And they think we are the monsters because we don’t want some amalgam of Christianity and Anarchy as our governmental system.

[4:06] What the fuck is this the Grateful Dead or something?

Wyoming’s flag is too cool. They stay.

WEEI sucks. The Big Show back in the early mid aughts was great. But man has it slipped. Plus, I refuse to watch/listen to any media that feature Kirk Minhane. He is a fucking LOSER.

Masshole here.

I don’t believe in a creator, but I do have a hard time wrapping my head around “why”, as in: Why does a universe filled with matter exist? and: Why do we have consciousness? Are those two things related? Sagan said we are how the universe knows itself. If that is case, why does the universe need to know itself?  

Thanks, I recall that now. DM has more to do with rotational velocity observations that expansion. So, the overall proportions that are discussed would stay relatively the same.

Thank you.