Red Horse of the Apocalypse

It took my wife and I four times via ICSI to get pregnant (with one miscarriage), so I hope you get the opportunity to keep trying. Wish you the best...!

Athlete’s opinions of things outside the sport and political views are meaningless.

There are 11,448 homeless persons in North Carolina, and 1 out 5 homeless children live in or within 8 miles of Charlotte. There are 7 Fortune 500 companies HQd in Charlotte.

Don’t buy that bullshit.

This makes me want to burn the country to ashes and start over.

When my wife gets REALLY drunk, she likes to bite people.

When did “the truth” become “hit pieces”?

Agreed. WEEI sucks. Like super duper bigly sucks.

I hope that is true. I am looking forward to the Trump “N-word” tape.

I have two telephone tics. When speaking on the phone, I cannot be overheard or have people in the same room, and I pace like a mother fucker.

He’s a straight shooter

Bill Clinton, as POTUS did NOT create a law against the saying of the N-word. Hillary was a US Senator WHO DID NOTHING ON THIS ISSUE. Therefore, and OBVIOUSLY, it is their fault that Donald Trump said the N-Word.

I think those three are it. It is a much cleaner look.

You can extend that second bullet to every interaction with an actual, IRL teenager.

Funny. I actually really enjoy that part. I can’t count how many times I’v played like 2 hours of Skyrim with a brand new character. Then I remember how much there is to do, and I stop playing.

Open world is all I want to play now. I just like wandering and doing shit when I want (if I want). I find the missions irritating now...and just want to hurry thru them so I can get the better weapon, and go back to the driving/wandering.

Totally agree. For any given game, there is a cadre of players who do nothing but play it, and are so far beyond any skills I hope to obtain it is not fun in the slightest.

You think that rant is bad? I went off on home jerseys with names this week.. You’re the home team - we know who you are, and I don’t care if fans of other teams don’t.

Why is no one pointing out that the Hurricane Matthew storm track looks like a giant flaccid penis being rubbed on the Florida coast...?