Mark Whalberg stars as Murph in the exciting true story of two down-on-their-luck homeless veterans who save countless lives by just trying to make their way on the cold streets of NYC. Christmas 2019.
Mark Whalberg stars as Murph in the exciting true story of two down-on-their-luck homeless veterans who save countless lives by just trying to make their way on the cold streets of NYC. Christmas 2019.
I work (remotely) on a project in GB, and the residents are far too invested in the Packers. It’s a like wake every Monday after a loss.
Seriously. Edelman is the fucking BOSS out there.
The flavored seeds are terrible, in my opinion.
All I hear and see are arguments. And honestly, most of the shit I see on FB for example is people disagreeing with Kap, telling him to shut up, and telling everyone who agrees with him that we are all pieces of shit. So.....
I got called “the trash police” on my town Facebook page because I mentioned the trash collection company was putting recycling and trash in the same trucks. Mind you, we pay extra taxes for recycling, and it’s not happening. But I’m the loser for mentioning that we are getting ripped off. People suck, basically.
Dear Trent, Football is entertainment.
My safe space is defended by the awesome killing power of the US Navy and Air Force.
I always start by eating them “properly”, then degrade into just chewing the whole seeds. The kernels by themselves are horrible, it’s all about the taste of the shell. Also, burnt ones are the best.
I came here to write the same thing. Fanstastic book.
The irony of all this is that it is the US government that is “destroying” our freedoms away, one by one....not the Islamic fundamentalists.
Why do you feel the need to label yourself? I am not trying to be a dick, I am just curious why you feel the need to be part of a belief group.
You don’t need a leader. Be yourself and speak your own thoughts. That’s half the reason I left religion. I am a person, whole and individual. I do not need to associate with a “belief group”, and neither do you.
His role in Whiplash turned it all around for me. I f’ing love that flick.
I wonder what the difference is? Cam.... Peyton..?. I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Meanwhile, children are dying from chlorine gas attacks, being burnt alive, buried under rubble, sleeping in streets, drowning in seas, being used for sex slaves, or generally abused.
I find being a manager much more difficult. Any schmo can sit there and “do work”. Taking everyone’s crappy attempts at what you could do better, making them do it on time, assembling it all, interfacing with clients is far harder in my opinion. I never leave the job behind, because I am responsible for The Product.…
No American ever died in Combat “for the flag” by the way. They die in combat because our government uses war as a political tool. They are dying for political will, not a flag. People need to get a grip with the patriotism and the flag-deity they’ve created. It’s a symbol, not a purpose for living.
I’ve always thought Sinatra’s New York, New York should be our national anthem. No song makes me feel more “patriotic”. New York IS America (or what it purports to be), i.e., the place where you can be anything or do anything, or rise up from nothing.
Send that prayer to Jah!