Red Horse of the Apocalypse

I got a barrage of photos from friends via FB with messages like “See this was us!” Lots of bikes, walkie-talkies, short shorts, tube socks, and bowl-shaped hair cuts. The 80s were awesome.

I will weigh on this. If you can’t express your opinions in this, the supposedly “Free” nation that we are, then all is lost. The country and its values are a sham.

Says you. Go find another blog.

Agreed. The plot described is Gladiator, not Spartacus.

Second comment - I agree with Ley - this show should’ve been centered around Det. Box (and the desk sergeant).

One of my friends was so upset after Kapoor kissed Naz he refused to watch anything afterwards, including the rest of that episode.

The 1st episode was too good.

“The only reason to support the Clinton Foundation rather than any other organization is to seek backdoor access and influence.”

Meanwhile, I’d wager more weed is grown in the woods of Maine by white guys named J-boog, Sully, and Clem than 48 other states.

In my high school we used eggs. Not sure what it was supposed to prove.... I can handle a small fragile object?

Agreed. If the doll doesn’t cry 20 out 24 hours per day, refuse to eat, shit everywhere, and piss on your good polo, this is all pointless.

Give us $264 each, and we will give you 10 days a year you’ll avoid going to a place where will you most likely get stabbed and still have to pay $24 for a beer

I knew this would be in here. Perfect summary and underrated movie.

Ugh. The one silver lining to all of this was never having to read another article by the “person” named “Hamilton Nolan”, who I am 90% sure is really a Soviet-era robot.

I’ve always thought King’s short stories were far superior to his novels, since they are quick hits without too much to explain, and they don’t necessarily have to be wrapped up as tight. There are a few that are exceptionally creepy.

Wait, what did “we” fuck up years ago?

That frumious bandersnatch has taken ~2% of my happiness away.

File this under “SECRET AS SHIT GAWKER”.

One time, a long time ago, I played Civ2 for something like 20 straight hours. When I finally went to sleep, I kept having vivid dreams that Civ2 was still running in my brain via some mental connection. I got up and literally disconnected every part of my computer (probably a Gateway tower) and put them all in

Half of the reason I became a geologist was because of the hammer...