Red Horse of the Apocalypse

Watching the after show, they make a good point - we never see her get a letter back, so we don’t know for sure that she knew the Vale was going to show up.

anecdotes from ancient Roman battles

It’s all fun and games, lighten up :)~ I’m sure any mom would love any baby.


If you have LeBron on your team, you do whatever it takes - run a system, get the players, go into the luxury tax....anything and everything.

He is so old, he played against Steph Curry’s dad.

Agreed. Plus, you can’t blame the baby. Maybe he ends up being an important character. It’s just fun, tongue-in-cheek reaction... :)

Damn you and your logic and sense...I work on emotion! ;)

Thanks for the hockey one, I was thinking about this last night - very interesting and quirky fact.

The Curse of Joe Lacob’s Hubris

Right? Here’s a constant reminder of your rape and terror... I think not.

I agree, but boy meets girl, girl gets knocked up is so obvious and trope-y they almost have to include it, no? Though I hope not....

Agreed, though it’s low hanging fruit, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she was.

No luck so far....

So many good moments, though! Great team to be a fan of.

Moon tea. Fuck that little embryonic shit.

I have one problem with last night’s episode - how the hell did a 12 foot wall of corpses get built in the middle of a battle....?

I am going to go find that right now. Thanks!

That’s the beauty of sport. Years of training, months of games, leading to one singular moment where it all comes together - one pitch, one catch, one free throw.

Buffalo Bills fans, meet your new starting Tight End....!