Red Horse of the Apocalypse


Agreed. Disappointing honestly. We have dragons and ice zombies on one hand, a trove of potential twists and we got...nothing...last night. Roller coaster of a season I’d say.

Blue. Balls. Thats what happened....meaning a lot of empty set ups.

I thought Tobias did great in his scenes...

It was telegraphed so hard I thought m’lady was ripping through Edmure’s tent. Have to wait till ep 10 I think...but Sandor is clearly going to be the vehicle from which we see her again. [shivers]

I am slightly dubious about the big battle coming. One medieval battle looks an awful lot like every other unless something interesting or novel happens. I am not entirely certain the Starks will win it either.

hahaha. Which is why the green screen when Brienne and Pod show up at the seige looked so bad. Oof.

My wife spent 5 minutes asking the TV “WHERE ARE THE OTHER TWO GOD DAMNED DRAGONS?”

And she stabbed another set of eyes out....

I think GRRM had ideas, and wanted to use them, so he sent Arya to Braavos. But then realized he doesn’t have the time or space to fit it in, so it just...kind of...ends. Remember the Valar Morghulis epsiode...? We all thought Arya was going to be a super bad ass. Instead she mopped floors and got shanked.... wtf.

Good point. That whole episode was a case of blue balls. So many reveals or twists could have happened.....and we got nothing.

It was out of place and weird. Thumbs down on the chase scene.

What is Varys’ secret mission.....!?

Agreed about the waif (and LSH). I was not a big fan of the chase scene...

I agree. It’s too odd at this point to reinsert the BWB without her. Plus, the scene in the tent... It was Cat this and Cat that. I still feel like it’s going to happen.

It was so strong I expected her to rip through the tent.

I give a hoot b/c I care ;)

By HIS own actions. No one to blame but himself.

I don’t know. Part of me feels like he should have been forced to compete in the cess pools and sewerage-laden waters of Rio. They could create an outdoor single-competitor event.