slythy toves

Great questions.


That helps. Correct me please if I am wrong, but going into 4D incorporates time, right? So stretching 3D into 4D would mean going back (or forward) in [this is hard] there never was a center, because “it” was all the same point that over time has been stretched into the universe as we know it.

Good morning. Congrats off the bat.

I made this comment earlier. In that example, there is still a “center” of the sphere. If 3D space is the surface of the sphere, then I guess the “center” is the equidistant point in 4D? space from all points on the 3D surface of ths sphere? The balloon/sphere metaphor maybe just isn’t good enough when it’s hard to

This shit is taxing on the brain. I think the answer is that in any direction you look, you are looking at the center, so it’s impossible to see the edge. I think....though perhaps someone has a better answer.

But even with that metaphor, you could find an equidistant point from all points on the surface of the balloon to call the center that exists within the balloon?

But what is inside the balloon? Empty space? Nothing - isn’t nothing empty space?

it’s hard to overstate the significance

Can we trick our brains into thinking that we beat the shit out of Martin Shkreli?

Great points. “Reality” TV, sports, movies, entertainment.... The amount of money and time we as a society spend on these things is absurd.

They are funny, but not funny like “ha ha”, funny like “...yikes...”-snl

You’re covered.

I can’t make heads or tails what that image is. I dragged it into google image search, and found nothing.

My post was self depricating. I’m in a 7-4 job that I kind of hate, but don’t have the stones to change it up. On my behalf, though, I’ve got two little ones so I can’t just open up a disc golf store. :)

I tried explaining it to some friends who haven’t started it - It’s like a dream...everything is surreal and overacted. I don’t know if it’s the kitsch of it all, the recall of my emotions back in 1994, but I haven’t been so compelled by a TV show in a long time.

People vs. OJ. Now that is something worth watching!

Agreed. Fuck all this millenial bullshit. Get a job. Wait, that is his job. And it pays fucking awesome. Groan, I’m going to go jump off a bridge now.

Albus Dumbledore also treated Harry like shit in multiple books.

Ka-ching. $