slythy toves

WHAT. THE. FUCK. EVER. DUDE. Try on some compassion or empathy you fucking sociopath.

Fuck you and your shaming. All this “if you are intellegent, well....actually you are the problem”. You’re full of shit and know it. Gawker is the only site I know that perpetually berates and shames its own readership.

LOVE Dishonored. Played it on PC, PS3, and PS4. Dying for 2.

I will not be shamed by this. We have a new Bunn pod coffee maker, and honestly I don’t care if there is extra waste. The people in my office could barely manage our old Keurig (leaving cups in, empty water), and I will not be inconvenienced by these people trying to figure a pot or french press. If I want one,

Is this about Trump and Jeb Bush, or the boxers?

Maybe she should have thought about this for a half-a-minute BEFORE she signed on. I have no sympathy for her hindsight hand wringing.

I’ve said it a million times. The Olympics need to be stopped. It’s a collossal waste of energy and money. And no one gives a shit who the fastest rower in the world is. Did a homeless child get fed because some prep-school fuck rowed really fast? No. Not that this is the be-all end-all question for every activity or

Puke. Microwaving pizza is a travesty and a crime against humanity.

You lazy bastard. Now you can’t even come up with your own topics for a podcast. Why don’t you call this the “I want to be Bill Simmons’ Ass Buddy Podcast” instead? Shit, that’s another idea you’ve been given. So don’t use it - come up with your own, you slob.

I don’t like the new name. Sounds toilet-related to me.

We cannot agree to disagree that Jordan was/is the best basketball player ever. Because the answer is a definitive “Yes”. Yes, he is the greatest, and there is no one close other than: 1) Kareem (for playing so godamn long more than anything) and 2) Russell for winning 11 championships in 13 years (the man never lost

I went into last night’s epidode trying to give a crap about the show again. But....I was out at the first commercial break. I just don’t care anymore. Then I saw this article, and thought “OK, let’s see how it went.” ....and got 1/3rd of the way down and stopped caring again. So, that’s it, I guess - three strikes.

All I want is some new material.

Tyrion is not going to die.

I think it’s the uncertainty, like he’s always about to cry. Spot on. And Courtney Vance is amazing. Better than the real Johhny.

The GOP - where sex is a horrible shameful thing, but guns are totally OK!!!

I predict for the finale the group has to eat baby judith or something to survive...or smother her to not get found out. It’s got to be something absolutely terrible.

Sucks for you.


Thanks. I feel better then, for not totally understanding! Have a good one.