
I came back here just for the iZombje reviews. It didn’t disappoint!

Yeah..Mona needs to go fin herself a good hairdresser who can help her with her curls.

Wow. At must have been so hard of you to have to bite your tongue for so darn long!!

And Prometheus didn’t start to be a good villain until he was revealed. Before he was yet another masked mysterious villains and it sucked.

Why are are you even here???

Yeah, it’s been less than a year. The beach bus trip took place in January and it was “almost fall” the first episode with Nathaniel. So, I’m guessing it’s around October/November only they are still in 2016. So, yeah, they haven’t even been together 10 months yet.

I thought that was their function too....but, this isn’t really an issue you can talk your way through. Which is probably exactly why the writers gave them this problem - there isn’t an easy solution even for the healthiest of couples.

Yeah. I guess it’s better than killing one of the characters, so that’s something...

One of my favorite TV couples isn’t going to break up over kids, right?? Couples can move past a super major thing like that, right? Right?????

Apparently it said “Butter can’t save you now!”

To add, what I would love is a whole episode where all the characters are listening/getting advice from the podcast But, I won’t be greedy and I’ll take a small end of the episode tag

I think that why I really want White Josh to have a song. I would love to see some cracks in his “normalness”.

I truly hope that one day we will hear a bit of Hector and his mom’s podcast.

But does being super judgmental make it more likely to believe lies? I know the rest are “stupid idiots”/kids, but I just think White Josh should know better.

“Yet, as Paula says, he’s also never been told”.

I’m kind of sad we won’t see Father Brah reacting to Josh trying to be a priest. Since I assume that story is over.

Testing something real quick.

I would love to “figure it out”. But’, my comments are alway pending. I tried to transfer over my Disqus account, but it didn’t work

This is easily maybe least favorite episode and the only one I skip over whenever I rewatch. It’s not just that her family is horrible, it’s that they are horrible and unfunny and not all that interesting. But, I’ve always hated the “mother is horrible to her daughter” shit that so many comedies love to do.