
Having actually met this person, I know she's not. Her business savvy is astounding. Think about the tax benefits of starting a religion. Does it have to be legitimate to anyone but yourself? Nope, just the IRS.

Unless you have an ICD code or a diagnosis from the AMA, you're being a prat.

I'll be honest, i'm dating a contrarian, it's a bitch. We're not overly nice people and we don't spend a lot of time pussyfooting around feelings & stuff, so we complement each other very well. We met on Fet! But it is super hot and I'm right there with you on Loki and Snape.

Are you my high school bf? :)

My bf & me are complete opposites, but when I hear that F250 diesel roll up, the panties drop.

Explain your comment, because wtf?!

Please, visit DC for a weekend. Brunch buffets everywhere.

It's an awesome video!

I had a 98 Beetle for 2 years and the reliability was shit. Fun to drive, comfy on long trips but poorly made, expensive to maintain and it was a paperweight once it hit 100k miles.

My mom has this car. I hope to inherit one day, it's fun to drive and sounds great. Pricey to maintain though.

Mine do! They can be deployed as flotation devices for me and probably a small child. I'm fat though. Individual results will vary.

I would buy the crap out of this!

awesome. you made some newbie fangirls happy with that!

I'm gonna need a link to that! :)

There's no traffic if you're heading west after 3 am. Trust me :)

I've gotten up to 80 on FFx Pkwy (years ago), 90 on 66. I can hear motorcycles hitting really high speeds, usually after midnight but before 1 (when cops start looking for drunk drivers).

What.....what is this???

There will be experimentation this weekend! :D

Hmm. Good to know. I'll have to try that out. I wonder how it is for anal?

But like, seriously? What lube were you using before that you like coconut oil better? Cause I have a lot of coconut oil that lives in my bathroom but I'm running out of lube.