Why would he enforce store policy anyway?
Why would he enforce store policy anyway?
Trump is a Republican. Ain’t nothing special about him but that he’s a showman. He’s the culmination of all the Republicans have done since the Nixon era.
Bloomberg is only a Democrat now because its convenient and no front runner emerged soon enough to justify a third party run. How is losing the support of party he doesn’t give two shits about a control on his behavior?
Pragmatism isn’t an ideology, it’s contingent. With all the problems that need addressing voting for someone that won’t go far enough to fix them isn’t pragmatic anymore than paying half your rent is pragmatic.
Sometimes boycotting isn’t the answer especially when access is the point. Showing up and making people talk about how you were overlooked can work just as well.
Eddie was the straight man in Boomerang so he can and has done it. Maybe he could have done it for WFRR as well.
You gotta know FB though. You just weren’t raised right if you don’t.
The response to Kamala’s primary end has been so weird and performative to me. People, who didn’t support her, lamenting she’d be absent. People wondering why the black vote failed to gravitate toward her, without actually considering why they assumed it would or what was unique enough about her to warrant the support.
It’s weird how comfortable people are in expressing the surprise that black candidates don’t automatically get black votes. Curious if that would be expressed for white voters...
If Richard could just shut his mouth... it’s hard to watch that same flaw screw him time and again because even though he is often in the right he just can’t help himself.
Good Kid Maad City was better than Damn so if Damn belonged so did it.
The guy making assumptions on the education level of gig economy workers because it makes him feel better about himself is, indeed, a child.
Yea, fuck you for needing/preferring the flexibility while knowing you’re being exploited. Why not go to Fast Food, an industry rife with wage theft and intentional variable scheduling so you can’t plan your life in more than a week or two in advance.
He’s in the movie for like three minutes, why would it require a mention? Also, all these black actors and you’re like, “mention the white guy!” Lol, sure!
At least Chadwick was actually American.
Term limits are bad.
Strong showings like this will really sure up that Wingnut Welfare for when he leaves office.
I’m looking forward to seeing what Eddie can do. No one is making him, he seems to really want to so I hope he still has it.
Mandatory term limits are a terrible idea.
Isn’t that why Bruce is named David in the “The Incredible Hulk” television show?