I really believe Steve would slap the shit out of him.
I really believe Steve would slap the shit out of him.
Have you met white people, tho? The ones black people meet. How could you not hate them? They want you to or else they wouldn’t act like that.
So, someone who is obviously malicious, venal and untrustworthy is, through the aid of a billion-dollar corporation, able to earn a spot of esteem, regard, and authority and even have supporters who seem to not see the obvious flaws and dangers? Why does that sound so familiar?
Certainly hard to shoot someone with boxes in your hand.
I don’t need you to help me. Being able to identity the barriers of others is simple if you care to do so. Off the top of my head, things we could do to get the youth to vote more, allow them to vote on their college campuses should they attend school out of town/state. Update voter rolls with every change of address…
So, you don’t want to be helpful just a preening scold? People died for the right to vote doesn’t change or challenge anything I said and finger waving and screaming “vote or else,” doesn’t either. If your understanding isn’t any more evolved than that then you’re no help to anyone.
The old out voting the young has been true for generations. So, maybe, there are structural reasons the youth don’t vote at similar rates. And when speaking about POC’s, especially black people maybe there’s a certain industrial complex that adds a layer to this along with other vote suppression methods.
How dare people expand their vocabulary!
Shakespeare is in constant production somewhere in the world and it hasn’t stopped other, newer, plays from being written. And I bet there were a lot fewer choices then compared to now. It’s just such a silly statement of confirmation bias.
I think it’s a fair question to ask Senator Pelosi, why is she so dismissive of four specific women, even going so far as to back a right wing smear job about Ilhan being anti-semetic but had no smoke for the blue dogs looking to replace her. And make no mistake, Pelosi has been going after them long before they ever…
Doesn’t make her anyone’s boss.
AOC specifically denied she was calling Pelosi racist.
Pelosi isn’t their boss and kept her position with their support. So, really, how would you feel if someone kept a position of authority with your help and acted like a total jerkass because you dared question them (as is your right and responsibility?)
As we know racial animus is like an allergy. It flares up uncontrollably so if you aren’t mean to all negroes you have no racially based issue with any negro.
The Congressional black caucus has had a higher percentage of women as its members than the general congressional class for possibly decades. All those black women weren’t winning without the votes of black men. A lot of black men grew up in single female headed households and they don’t hate their mothers.
The cure for the two party system is structural change not just forming a third party. Maybe your “revolution” is doomed to fail which is why no one is with you.
The Democrats are the reason there aren’t more. Whenever they can, the party runs these bullshit “centrists” or really borderline conservative Democrats and then do all they can to “protect” them in allegedly unsafe districts.
It’s pretty consistent that older demo votes more than younger. For every generation, voting increases with age. Democrats need to get out the vote and then do something when they have power.
Establishment actively limits the progressive representation in the party. It’s an active, strategic choice. The whipped dog strategy.
Blaming Hilary for not winning a rigged election (Trump is an illegitimate President) is some learned helplessness shit.