
It was.  She had a job, she wanted to leave.  What was so unrelatable about that?

You forgot one that could double your value: remove any hints of blackness.  Woo boy, that will bump up the value in no time.

I’ve never met someone who dislike unions for good reasons.

YT is always being racist

Poor TJ. 

Ray J is not a rapper.  He’s a singer.  Hella confused as to why you think he’s a rapper.

Black people can want cops to remain AND want better cops.  See, that’s the problem.  Many think we can be treated like how cops treat white people but it’ll never happen and abolitionists are just making headway into the community.

I’d rather a dozen shows about how our elites aren’t all that smart, all that good nor all that worthy of the wealth they wield b/c a lot of people need to learn that lesson.

You sound dumb. Whiteness applies to white people because whiteness is about a hierarchical system of racial domination. People taking offense to things they don’t understand and concerns for what exactly? You can’t end racism with racism! Lol, at this point let’s give it a try.

Chris Rock was miscast, too.

The Karen thing is a bad example as it is specifically about how white women use their femininity to invoke white supremacy for their benefit.  The male equivalent is a racist.

No, it depends on a lack of options.  


Breathless Mahoney gets no love.

I thought last week’s episode was empty, just had nothing going for it.  This week’s tho, I enjoyed a lot.  I wish the show was dedicated to a little more serialization because Morty is reaching a clear breaking point with Jessica gone, Planetina going anime villain and Morty just being over Rick’s bullshit.  

This was a bad finale. Tobias looked ridiculous during his death. Khalil couldn’t get a good haircut to save his life and none of the Pierce women could hear good advise until it was too late.

You say the other article was nearsighted but at least it had data. Your impressions, while not worthless, are unverifiable and maybe one of the problem with the discourse about black men is that it plays to the ends of the bell curve, hoteps to the left and black Maga coons to the right. That isn’t the majority of us

Things only start to exist when I become aware of them.  Do you know how many landmarks I’ve discovered?  ALL OF THEM!

Stringer made mistakes but Avon insisting the game had to be a certain way also went out of his way to make sure it had to be that way.  If Avon came around to letting Prop Joe supply them from the jump then none of the Brother Muzone ignorance need happen.

He really crossed the line for me this episode.  It was just too much.