
How many of us also have CTE or similar brain trauma? Seems like just living a human life is enough to inflict quite a bit of damage to the brain. Think about all the times you fell when you were a kid. And every time we slam on our brakes to avoid a wreck with someone pulling out of a parking spot, our soft brains

I starred it then realized it went to 43 and quickly realized the err of my ways and unstarred it. I almost threw off the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Is this your first time on Deadspin?

If and when the recommends on my comment get to 42, it would be quite nice if people stopped recommending it.

Yeah i keep on mixing up the Direwolfs of Arya and Sansa. However I excluded Robb as well he is now dead

I’m not going to bash you, but I am going to say that it might not be the most polite thing to come into an article about scientific explanations and, having clearly not even bothered watching the video, completely discount it in favor of your religious belief.

These comments are 10000000x worse than what Deadspin comments are usually like. And Deadspin comments are usually really bad, so this is a new low.

Perhaps some repeated kicks/hits to the groin with wake you out of your stupor for getting multiple DUIs

I’m thinking more like they finally get together, and it’s great. Brienne has finally found someone that finds her absolutely beautiful. She is in love. Then something happens where one of them have to sacrifice themselves for the other (I would guess Tormund would be that person just so that we can see Brienne’s

The direwolf fetish kills me. They weren't even that important in the books outside of our not knowing what may be going on with Nymeria, outside of some warg dreams of her leading a wolf pack. Past that, they're just decoration. Ghost has had the most useful scenes in the show so far. I barely remember the direwolves

I am consistently amazed with the number of people more upset over the death of a CGI direwolf that we barely ever see than the incredibly tragic sacrifice/orgin story of Hordor

I think that this just shows that D&D have something against wolves in general. They rarely show Ghost. They’ve killed off Shaggy, Lady, Summer and Nymeria is MIA. It’s just a shame that they rather spend the money on the Dragons than the wolves.

I think Cold Hands or a certain Stark appearing is 100% in play.

What happened to Hodor was basically a magical feedback loop. Bran warged into adult Hodor while also looking at young Hodor, so the command “Hold the door” bled through and shattered Hodor’s mind pretty much. He’s basically been living this moment of terror his entire life, that’s why he curls up at the sight of

Yeah they have something against direwolves: they cost entirely too big a piece of the CGI budget relative to their use in the show. Thus, we rarely see them.

I wonder if the White Walkers want Bran to escape. What if the mark also allows them to defeat the magic of the Wall and enter Westeros?

*Has always affected the past.

Since the body wasn’t burned, I suspect we’ll get to kill Hodor at least once more.

Just as an FYI, the after the episode “Inside Game of Thrones” stuff doesn’t play after the TV version. My friend and I switch back and forth between my place, where I have HBO on TV and her place, where she has HBO Now, so we only see those when we watch at her place.