
St. Louis Cardinals organization, Brett Favre - pre dick picks, Nick Saban maybe, pretty much any coach who has a majority of white dudes on the team because white dudes “Do it the right way” in the media. It’s another part of the code, add it to scrappy, surprisingly athletic, good locker room guy, and very coachable.

Mr. Hands gives him this many years:

Sorry Draper but this was confusing for me as well. The sarcasm or context you tried to put it in didn’t come through and it sounds like you are trying to put down Calipari’s move here.

I’m actually concerned for his personal safety. Someone in New York will definitely go Tonya Harding on him to prevent that.

you are no fun! The pure schandenfreude of the Yankees here is awesome

It’s probably some Seahawks fan that is buying them and reselling them at a higher price online

Yeah I repled to someone else too. That was poor phrasing on my part, Zona is the clear #1. I’d just rather be #6 in the ACC than whoever is #2 in the Pac-12. Reason conference matters is the regular season matchups and prestige of other coaches - and ESPN buffoonery

Poor phrasing. I had admitted that Zona was the better job. Clearly the #1 program in the Pac-12. I was saying that I’d rather be 6th in the ACC prestige-wise than who ever is #2 or #3 in the Pac-12 (who is it btw? - Standford?)

This is fair. I guess I get the nation-wide picture more than the local one because bad news travels faster. I’m up in Oregon now too so there’s probably some bias there too. As a Pitt fan though, there is something to having a young, successful coach who can’t seem to make it over the hump. I mean Dixon was tourney

Also Arizona makes the tournament exactly the same amount as Pitt (in that they’ve both missed twice since Miller took over at Zona)

What are you even arguing about man? I don’t live in Pitt, no one said it was a better job. The only thing on here that approaches that is I said it was a minor step down specifically for Miller (any other coach its a bigger step) due to the circumstances I gave.

I conceded that its a step down but I’d still rather be the 6th best program in the ACC than the second or third in the Pac 12. Also if you don’t think Zona people are sick of Sean Miller, you’re dreaming. No way he even takes the call if they aren’t

Definitely a step down but I’d say minor for Miller specifically at this point. Still playing in the #1 conference, with a perennial tournament team, better media coverage, at your alma mater, close to your family, lower temperatures and the Zona boosters are calling for your head.

Because when you go stand at that urinal you don’t just vote for the president. Ballot propositions, local and state elections have a direct impact on your life. Gerrymandering after the 2010 elections was a direct result of people like you not voting because they think only presidential elections matter. In your

You realize you can vote in local elections for local candidates that have a very direct impact on your life right? Spend 20 minutes to read a newspaper about the local and state elections and go vote you fucking nitwit

Now playing

Since we’re posting times UConn ripped our hearts out. This one was especially brutal because I grew up a UConn fan (Dad) and then went to Pitt -

Sidebar: I love Barry Bonds and think that he takes an unfair amount of shit because he was a dick to writers and ESPN told fans to dislike him.

I just want a picture of Bonds’ head next to Manning’s head. Even better a 94 Bonds and 98 Manning and then a 2011 Bonds and 2015 Manning. It will be like that Simpsons arcade game bonus level where you mash buttons til the head explodes

I’ve watched it several times, he really only takes two with the ball I think. He’s running before he gets it.