
I’m a Pirates fan. I’m just grumpy.

oh fucking christ harp down “Missouri Baseball fan X” I said great aggressive baserunning. You guys won and I summed it up. Between KC fans getting all defensive if they aren’t given ENOUGH credit for spanking the Mets and Cardinals fans who keep talking about doing it the right way (which apparently means hacking

So.... ‘Murrica

Everyone get some Pepto, this hot take is gonna burn

Starting pitching for both teams was excellent. Clutch hitting, aggressive baserunning by the Royals, Mets (esp. Murphy) had some brutal errors that extended innings that should’ve died. Royals were the better team but the Mets also screwed themselves on numerous occasions.

I think it’s just fans of teams in Missouri that suck. Although if I had to share my state with a bunch of self-righteous douche bag Cardinal fans - I’d probably have a chip on my shoulder too.

Eh you have just as good of a shot as anyone. Ditch Murphy, pay Coespedes. I’m a Pirates fan and will root for anyone willing to beat the Cardinals so we have a chance to avoid a Cy Young Pitcher in a one game playoff.

I watched. The two that went over the goal were some of the worst PKs ever but the other 20 (except 1 that I’m forget) were normal and some good saves by the keepers. I wish I had gone - PDX fail

welcome to the tribe. here is your plaid and your glasses now give me your razor

OR Go to the game, cheer along with the stadium and enjoy the fact that people are raucus, the action is continuous and it’s fun. If you want sitting, laid back, breaks in the action, time to talk to friends - watch Football or Baseball. Hockey (playoffs at least), College basketball (at good schools) and Soccer are

I think Deadspin has taken some liberty with words here. I doubt the video proved the testimony imperatively false. More likely, it showed that their testimony was unprovable and under the whole innocent until guilty idea that sometimes plays out in the court (never when cops are dealing with people) Sefolosha was

Are you William’s mom? I bet you are and you. are. adorable!

If the game is in DC, RFK shuts down large sections of the stadium (because it’s an 80k capacity football stadium) to congregate crowds and try to produce an “atmosphere”. It’s one of the worst MLS stadiums in the country and that’s why they’re building a brand new soccer only stadium near the Nationals park in DC.

That’s tough. I reffed college soccer, and likely would’ve let that go for the reasons you stated. But from the multiple angles I agree with the statement that arm was used to make the defender bigger and thus should be a PK

Aaron Donald - who is a beast - just told Dan Patrick yesterday that he only benches 500lb. This man is definitely juicing but I hope he doesn’t use it as a defense plea.

could just be me but they don’t seem shocked. They seem like, “oh not this shit again” and based on the former officer’s reputation, I’m sure it was a somewhat regular occurrence.

I like to try to imagine the reaction would be if this was a video from another country, especially a “lower-tier nation.” I doubt there would be one person defending the officer other than profoundly stupid bigots.