
Being bad at it would have been pretty tough for you to say before last night considering he never does it and I assume you aren’t with him at practice (where he clearly doesn’t do it either, or else he’d be better). My point is that I would assume most MLB players have the ability to bunt since it’s how you start BP

Why does everyone hate on KG? It’s like people who hate Randy Moss or Puig. There are legitamite evil human beings that play sports but you all just hate on the “loud” players. “loud”

He won a gold in the 1000. Was he actually a bad guy (I didn’t know this)?

I’m going to be the goat here and ask why is bunting a bad idea here? Under the (apparently false) assumption that a major league player can lay down a half decent bunt. Getting the runner to third with 1 out = sac fly or any hit to win the game in the bottom 12. If this was the 6th and 1 run wasn’t all they needed I

You mean Tim Tebow?

Donte Stallworth gets a lot of blame for that accident. I just read the full story this year and don’t like to harp on him anymore. Now Ray Lewis? That guy killed someone and shot Joey Porter in the butt.…

Exactly. The system works precisely how they intend it to work

I think you deserve to be body slammed for stupidity. What the hell is wrong with you?

This is Buffalo. No bedrooms required

I hate you. I live in Oregon now and haven’t had to hear that damned jingle for months. It will now be stuck in my head all day. 1-877-Kars4Kids K-A-R-S cars for kids..... evil s.o.b.

Penn State sucks

Va Tech is definitely a better school but you can’t argue with the 6:1 female to male ration at JMU.

This man is clearly from St. Louis.

No. You have to be certified to understand when it is and isn’t silly to send someone back out there after using your credentials and expertise to determine whether or not it was a concussion.

I refuse to judge you because your handle reminds me of Fievel’s sister.

I disagree with his comment because just being Adele makes it new and heartfelt, but come on, the song starts with a Lionel Ritche - “Hello” has a little Lilith fair girl power Sara McLoughlin in it and has a little bit of Bryan Adams too. If you haven’t heard of these people you are either 12 or dumb. The difference

came to say the same.

yeah BUT someone would have shot the original guy with the gun, so problem solved right?

The Royals were major players throughout the late 70s and 1980s and they have one of the most iconic baseball moments (Pine Tar) and players (Bo Jackson). It’s a thin line but they managed to stay in the hunt for a solid 15 years there from 75-90.

I’ve seen them all and I think it matters a lot when you see them. I don’t know how old you are. IV and V are legit decent movies that are still better if you’re a kid and aren’t jaded by the bitter fucks you see in Deadspin commentary. Since you’re writing here, I assume you’ve been jaded. I wouldn’t bother with the