
Leave it to “The Best Fans in Baseball” to name the grit cycle after St. Louis. BTW the Pirates lead the league in hit by pitch and sacrifice hits this year.

This deserves an article more than the Correa HR

I present to you, in pleated pants, new Pitt Coach Pat Narduzzi!

Is that you Riley?

No one is surprised that Johnny 5 got destroyed in Philly. Other things that happened in Philly this past weekend to actual human beings (just clicked one of many listed crimes)…

This is what I came to say.

Pretty sure he meant the bunting comment. We all agree that the Royals are assholes, but bunting and moving runners is the question. I thought you might have the statistics (“statistically speaking”) to back that statement up.

All baseball players steal signs and tip pitches. When you get caught doing it, you get thrown inside. Donaldson needs to be less obvious about it.

I’m a Twins/Pirates fan (long story) but I kind of like the Royals turning into the Pistons of MLB. Out of nowhere team that plays hard, tries to get every mental and physical advantage and are unapologetic about being the dirtiest team in the game. Having a common villain that are actually villains instead the smug

The Twins are only struggling because they ran into the second best team in baseball and got swept. Their next series is against the Mariners so they should get those games back. Go Bucs

Yes, and I would say that people who cover those two requirements have been actively involved in baseball coverage in the last 10 years. Think of Peter Gammons or Bob Ryan, they’ve been around forever and their votes will count 10 years after they put away the typewriters. Also, twitter makes “coverage” pretty easy so

No because most people have a career in covering baseball longer than 5 minutes. What it will do is get rid of the people who haven’t covered the recently retired players and get rid of some of the older voters who are stuck in the mud and will never vote for a guy like Bonds.

And next we find out Univision was slipping money to Geiger to make sure Mexico got to the final and they get another 1+ million viewers

Yes there does, just probably not at ESPN because Grantland (and to be fair, Deadspin often) is a good example of why it might not be needed in the future. Unfortunately there are far too many topics that could use open discussion and well written articles concerning race and the different ways it is approached in

Yeah Dominicans would be better at baseball if they didn’t do the Nae Nae during the pre-game

Its a god damned Miracle on Ice. No idea but its been fun to watch. I kinda feel like they’re the Pirates from a few years ago (my other favorite team) that had a really strong start and fell off in August but it was the start to something.

When he jukes people on the field he says “McCoy” everytime. I hope he does that as he smashes as well

Also the “Blue Bar” (200 level behind the scoreboard) has BOGO before the first pitch every game.

Again, look at the list above. $6.25 for a 20 oz is a steal in a stadium regardless of the swill you get. I’m sure there are $8 better beers for people. I personally wouldn’t mind spending $20 for 60 oz of shit beer while watching this year’s Dodgers play (preferably lose to the Pirates) in the perfect weather in LA.

In between the bleacher seats and the seats in foul territory there is a stand that has a PNC (I think), some food and a beer stop around on the side by the stairs. That beer stop has Flying Dog pounders for ~$9 (or less). I moved recently so I can’t confirm but I was at a game in May and remember it.