
You can at least get the good beers for ~$9 in the one corner stand in left field.

As someone who has lived in DC, $6.25 for a 20-oz stadium beer is a steal at the park and about normal outside of it.

I deleted what I wrote because I don’t feel like being on here all day to respond and it wouldn’t let me just delete the post so...

And I’m Nilo

Every time I see a comment from you it’s amazing

“grrrr!!! get these gosh darn millenials off my lawn!”

Doesn't the throwing bottles happen all the time in all soccer? I can remember Donovan getting in a home game in Baltimore vs Honduras (although Baltimore might be Honduras)

Really bummed to see that too.

I’m a huge Pens fan. Crosby is as good as anticipated and is easily one of the best players in the league. I think the surprise has been how good guys like Toews (for example) have become and there is at least another argument. I’d still say its Crosby but its not as open and shut as you make it sound.

What do you think the chances are of him, simmons and john stewart doing that whole online programming thing that Deadspin reported last week?

video games and that new fangled music

Woah wtf just happened here?

Since the foul was initiated when the defender was between the ball and the goal, I would have interpreted that as yellow. The same way as if the German had tried to deke her and got fouled trying to get by

We won 2-0 right? Just making sure I didn’t miss something

Since the foul was initiated when the defender was between the ball and the goal, I would have interpreted that as yellow. The same way as if the German had tried to deke her and got fouled trying to get by. Thoughts?

I’m stoked we won and I’ll take the bad call because it’s soccer and it happens. I was watching the game though and how is no one talking about the pretty egregious, cardable foul by the US defender that set up the attack that ended in our PK? Watching it, I was like holy shit we got away with one and then we got the

“You give them way more credit than they deserve and its disgusting.” I think you need to rein in that internet fury there. Calm down, relax, take three months off to reeavluate whether 74 hour work weeks are still what you want to do with your life.

“Is there anything worse than Bob Costas talking about “the ethos of the mob” and “clicks” and “ad-hominem attacks” every time he opens his mouth to answer a question about the internet? I submit that there isn’t.”

This is fantastically written. Sadly, with all of the inspirational domestic stories today comes the 4th black church in the last 5 days set on fire in the southeast.