
…To which one would also accept the answer of "At the bottom of a pit where he landed once the lever was pulled."

What, no Wonder Showzen? Never too young to expose your child to the wonder that is the letters of the alphabet having sex with each other! Think of how much your child will be able to learn!

I believe that was Sarah Essen Gordon you killed instead. Que Sar-ah, Sar-ah.

They didn't call him by your name, they called him "Riddleman". Because this show is about as subtle as a brick truck smashing into a crystal shop. At least they suggested that you also have amazing watermelon-carving skills.

The Wizard of Oz & Alice in Wonderland? Does it really count as a dream "sequence" if the dream basically makes up the entire film?

They used a bunch of wham moments (revelations, character death) to set up an even bigger wham moment: The introduction of time travel, which changes the previous moments. I f***ing applauded that. ^_^

Eh, I say we compromise & say it was an additional joke that explained the previous joke. Still annoying either way.

It would've been okay if they'd have just left it at Homer's line about questioning the idea of a t-shirt cannon killing anyone. But of course, the current hacks this show has in place of writers felt like having a t-shirt shoot into Ned's house, hit a picture of Maude, & then have Ned look at the camera.

…No, he never really pulls the lever on those who give that answer, it's just something that pops up each week.

The riddle is solved, but just for tradition's sake…

We've actually started a little club down there! We talk, swap stories, vote on who gets fed to the lions so that the rest of us can live…

You'd bet fifteen dollars bucks on that fact? I'll take that oddly-worded bet!

I blame the directors & writers who thought we needed to see the kid taking the actual hood instead of, y'know, just making his own by cutting some damn eyes in a red cloth. Lazy bastards.

I want to be optimistic as well, but there are honestly quite a few factors in play suggesting a live-action Zelda series could be a dud as well.

No, this is an experiment to combine all three: The douchiness of Brad, the insufferable smart-aleckness of Randy, & the forced adowableness of Mark. It's science run amok in their attempt to create the most punchable sitcom kid.

When he realizes how hollow the pursuit of money really is and takes his own life…

As you watch this horror, remember that these are the same people who want to make a family-friendly Legend of Zelda series.

There are no words to describe how awesome this is.

Ironic, since Williams was in the running for your role. Then '94 happened, & we would up with you yelling "JOYGASM!!!" & popping a boner.