
The Circle can actually describe itself as an award-winning film now. That alone is why I never trust any award with the word "Choice" in the name.

Can't believe you didn't mention that aside from a BoJack Horseman reunion, this is also a Community reunion with Jim Rash & Danny Pudi (playing Huey).

Actually, that's the funny part: Two years ago, Square Enix - who currently owns the right to Crystal Dynamics' properties - announced that that if anyone could successfully pitch an Anachronox, Fear Effect, or Gex game, then they would help support it via crowdfunding:… And since this led

No, Trump doesn't even deserve to be compared to a villain from a film like that. He deserves to be compared more to, say, a third-rate Care Bears villain.

Yeah, but even Dubya still made sure to not blurt it out in public to an audience of rednecks & spambots.

Trump isn't the Goblin King. Everyone knows Jareth was packing down there, yet Trump has no dick to speak of.

By this point, I would actually expect Trump to pull a Duke Philips & try to have covfefe added to the dictionary rather than actually admit it was a f*cking typo.

I can imagine Paul Ryan deducing "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine" with a decoder ring right now.

It's one of the most f*cking annoying things about the GOP/extreme conservatives/et cetera, that they refuse to admit any mistakes because it's supposedly a "sign of weakness." They'd rather appear blatantly incompetent (well, moreso) then have to admit they made a boo boo, or kick 26 million Americans off of health

Hold on a second…hey, this zookeeper's hat comes right off! Why, you're not a real zookeeper!

Also, I just realized: Does Lars get all the powers Lion has as well? You know, the abilities to open portals, walk on water, have a voice that blows things away, et cetera? Or does Lion get that from something else we don't know about?

God, I hope they don't do the future thing for next season. Doing another high-concept season right after a previous one feels cheesy, & like overkill.

Okay, I hate to say it, but…seriously, I feel disappointed with this finale. We have no clue on what Archer's status in the real world is (you'd think all the mentions of Archer not getting any sleep were going to pay off when it comes to his coma status), the reveal of the Dutch as the killer feels like a bit of an

So who will show up in Weekend Update this Saturday to get a farewell skit: Drunk Uncle or Riblet? Taking bets now.

The next episode already leaked, so without spoilers, I will say that this issue shall be addressed, don't worry.

Well, this season has at least had "There Will Be Buds," a true highlight showcasing a rarely seen pairing of Homer & Kirk Van Houten. If we're picking representatives from each season for a timeline of best episodes throughout the show or whatnot, that's my pick.

Maybe, but on the other hand, Tammy was clearly made to play Carter Burke, the douchey Weyland-Yutani employee instead.

That does seem a tad predictable, though. Jocelyn playing a feral creature like this just works better somehow.

According to the wiki, Darryl is in the seventh grade (as seen in "Can't Buy Me Math"), so that would but him between Gene & Tina. http://bobs-burgers.wikia.c…