
Waaaait…I remember the comics, you hated the idea of a Wonderland Gang!! Did Tweedle Dee and Dum put your own mind control devices on you again?

*fights off lions*

…Hi there. The Riddler's a bit busy handling other supervillain accounts at the moment, so he hired me to pull the lever for him. Buh-bye.

…Can it really be called a "big character reveal" if the marketing for this episode includes a giant picture of picture of Jerome with several "HA"s crawled around him with the tagline "THIS IS NO JOKE"?

The only way I shall accept an A-Team reboot is if Mr. T plays B.A. Baracus again.

Not to mention Steven Universe.

Possibly, but I would like you to note that Bob's Burgers has double the Bs, & is therefore just as equally worthy.

I think that's "The Ski Lodge" from Season 5. The one where everyone plus a ski instructor & Daphne's friend are all lusing after each other but misinformation gets in the way.

Most blatant false advertising of a film since Naked Lunch.

Kind of ironic that the actor with least notable career then & now that appeared in the film was the main character, played by Lukas Haas (no disrespect, man).

We also would have accepted The Man From Pluto from Mission Hill in place of the fiasco that was Pluto Nash. In fact, we prefer it. Christ, that's like double infinity better than what Eddie Murphy came up with.

He was just too much of a genius for them to comprehend! And he was so beautiful that he blinded all of Springfield! And his penis was so massive that it cracked the earth as it dragged along! This & much more can be found in the big book of Simpsons writer's fan fiction!

I am honestly debating whether the ass-kissing Elon Musk episode was better or worse than the ass-kissing Lady Gaga episode. I mean, that episode had more ass-kissing, but I think I still laughed once or twice (emphasis in the amount of laughs). Less ass-kissing here, but I didn't laugh once.

I think we all know what really happened here…Cookie Monster is the victim of a frame job by the Cookie Crook! Clearly he has escalated from mere cereal to something bigger…let's bring in the Hamburglar & the Noid, maybe shake 'em down & see if they have any leads as to the Crook's most recent whereabouts. We're gonna

I Love Lucy - The one were Lucy tries to get a part in Ricky's show. Shenanigans ensue.

"Ham Radio" should have been there. Murphy's Law + an old-school radio murder mystery = F***ing hilarity.

"'Do The Bartman' also apes another performer popular at the time: The Fresh Prince."

Except in-show, the abduction was just a story being told by Bart. So the family could just be recalling Bart's story as an example instead of a moment that actually happened. =P

Not necessarily just jokes, but exploitations of clearly classic moments, like a silent cameo of Mr. Bergstrom that Marge is about to bring into Lisa, or something like that. It does feel like it happens quite a bit.