
Actually, Pizza Hut does make a Poutine Pizza up here in Canada. In fact, a lot of pizza places up here serve poutine as well, so Sandy's ad would bizarrely work here. We are a weird people.

"Here’s hoping that passing A.I.M. mention means that it is going to appear eventually. I really want to see those yellow beehive suits on screen! "

Oh, & the implication that the magic shop owner was encouraging Tina to get into magic & spend money (& presumably other kids), just because he sponsored the contest with a gift certificate to his own store, Wands, Wands, Wands (certificate not good towards wands).

Somehow I just love the fact that someone actually wrote an entire book about how to not cheat at magic. Also the "I Don't Bay Leaf In Magic" burger. Even in a protest, Bob just can't resist the punny goodness…^_^

Having just played Telltale's The Wolf Among Us, it did make me snicker more at the joke about the woodsman really being a random psycho…

Wait…wouldn't this assume that Michael Bay knows what this thing the mortals call a "script" is in the first place? Was it the sudden realization of his unfamiliarity with such concepts that caused him to flop? Did the thought of "WHERE FUNNY WORDS GO???" cause the feeble strands of a mind he has to collapse? And


And thus the Canadian affiliates finally had the upper hand for once…

Eric, how it ends is that Peter cashes in a coupon his boss gave him as a present that allows him to get his job back no matter what. No, I am sadly not kidding. This is how they actually resolve it. No, I don't know why he didn't just use the damn coupon earlier as well, but by that point I just didn't care.

Eh, I didn't really like "YOLO". Of course, in fairness, the fact that they actually called the episode "YOLO" hit me with a large feeling of dread before I even saw it.

Also, was I the only one who let out a "What the flying hell??" or otherwise when Lisa said she was siding with Homer's piracy? Ignoring that this is the same girl who was afraid of going to hell for stealing cable, that just felt really out of character for her…

Wait, you thought this was their strongest episode this season so far? Oh dear lord, what that sadly says about the rest of these turkeys…

What? Global didn't even try to use that one! All I saw was what looked like a reprise of "Sailors in Your Mouth." DAMN YOU GLOBAL.

And again, only three categories for music? No genres or anything, not even a mention for the worst stuff? And why is the list for Best Album chock full of indie stuff, but Best Single is wholly mainstream stuff The AV Club would mock anyway?

…Only three categories for video games (Best Game, Best Console, Biggest Disappointment)? You're not even going to go into genres, console exclusives or such? Because I had more than one friggin' game I'd like to praise this year, you know.

Also another good detail: The fact that Root Beer Guy isn't even a new character, since he's apparently been in the opening credits every single time: http://adventuretime.wikia….

I just loved all the little details showing more to the Candy Kingdom than the fantasy life suggests…including subways (which PB personally voices, apparently) & working airplanes. PB sure is working to expand their transit system…

Someone in the Candy Kingdom also appears to know Japanese(?), as evidenced by the sign we saw as Root Beer Guy drove off…

Sorry, I know, but I thought RandomGuy was using that quote to refer to the cord or something. If not, that quote was just…well, random. Huh. Well played.

…I kind of preferred Christmas Two myself. It had great penetration last Spring!