
Dear Simpsons Writers:

I wouldn't say "f***ing sucks" (see? I can't), but yeah, this episode, while not flat-out awful, was a big disappointment. It had a good (albeit recycled) setup, but it started to fall apart for me once they went off the grid (because I'm guessing a writer heard about people going "off the grid" these days & was

All I can say is that this was easily the best half-hour of television I've seen in the past month. Bravo, Raising Hope, bravo.

In fairness, I'm pretty sure the addition of stovepipe hats can improve anything.

Looks okay so far, but I'm more intrigued by the question at the end: "Are you a patriot or a vampire?" So vampires are full-on commies now? Makes sense to me.

Yeah, putting Otto there just made it a rehash of Stoner's Pot Palace (which is still flagrant false advertising).

Yes, exactly! It's not a joke if you just change a few letters & state the obvious. At that point it no longer becomes a parody, just - as GF pretty much points out - a cheap way to avoid potential copyright infringement.

Yeah, as Hayden pretty much points out, the moment the second act ended with Marge getting angry for no reason, that's when I gave up all hope of this one being redeemable.

Yeah, but if they were at least going to use a different name & show, they could've at least put some friggin' effort into it. You know, make the hosts look different, have slightly similar but different graphics, a title & format that just doesn't replace a tiny bit of the words, or make it a play on words…Stuff like

That bit was indeed pretty good, especially with the patches on their quilt, including a Yin/Yang symbol & a crossed-out equals sign with the message "Yes, I can tell them apart", & several others like it.

In retrospect, I immediately regret hitting the "Post" button, but it still felt good to get that off my chest.

Most annoying part of the episode for me: After being annoyed one too many times by "Mapple", "Mixar", "Funtendo", & god knows how half-assed Seltzerberg-quality parodies where they just vaguely change part of the title, they give us "Mythcrackers", an apparent parody of Mythbusters, except YOU HAVE THE ACTUAL F***ING

Actually, I remember they did a "Rodney Dangerfield in Heaven" sketch after he died - a good one, mind you, a pretty moving & funny tribute - so that idea isn't too far off.

*attempts to retrieve sunken friend ship*

Because it gives you the perfect opportunity to kill Dane? Good call. Get him to let his guard down, then drown him in some mud.

And a write-in campaign for Failure's "The Nurse Who Loved Me" here.

Oh, for crying out loud, let me finish it with what we know: "…And so I met Barney's sister at his wedding, we hit it off, we got married, had sex, you were born, Barney got slapped again, the end."

But then who will give awards to the awards shows for awards shows?

I am noticing an apparent lack of one of the greatest American classics of our time: Tremors. Disappointing, Universal. Disappointing.

Meh, I was too distracted by the fact that this week's Simpsons virtually stole an entire subplot from a 30 Rock episode for their first act.