
That was truly incredible to Widnes

Only 170 fans had the privilege of seeing this minute live, but thank god at least one of them had the awareness to film it.

On the plus side, it appears that Puerto Rico will officially cancel Whitefish Energy’s sham contract.

It’s almost as though these owners see their teams as the modern day plantations and their players the modern day cotton pickers. What a surprise!

I’ve lived in Houston for almost 20 years and successfully not given a shit about the Texans since they came into existence. I’m now a fan. Fuck McNair.

Doesn’t he know that the rules changed a few years back? Catchers aren’t allowed to defend home like that anymore.

Love that expression. It makes my business idea of selling pitchforks on Ebay a possibility.

Reminds me of my favorite saying: “I can’t wait for his generation to fucking die.”

Well you know the old saying, Old Rich White Guys are Racist Assholes.


I need more specific instructions. Am I supposed to punch the roommate or have the roommate punch the door for me?

it was definitely FIFA

100 fucking percent FIFA. I’ll put my house on it.

If he’d been half as fast as Puhiri, it would’ve only been a 125-day siege.

Philly fans are passionate man, they’ve gotta hammer somebody.

I had to read this three times to sort out who’s who. My conclusion is Strýcová should get back Pliskova’s fiance and manager, Hrdlička, in trade. (As is normal in Czech custom.)

Might as well be Casey Anthony for giving up on the one thing he was supposed to protect.

They should investigate those hats of his instead.

Counterpoint: Fuck Nazis, they deserve to be punched in the face more.

You’re assuming you can talk a Nazi out of being a Nazi. Or a racist out of being racist. In my experience, that’s not how that works. Not that I’m all for punching people, but if you’re gonna punch anyone, it might as well be a Nazi.