
TL;DR please...

Last time I bothered to vote (outlander here) it was for Bubba Clinton, so I get you; however, he must be recognized as an American Tony Blair, which is to say, a conservative in liberal clothing, which makes him a class enemy (I love using that phrase! In the age of 'feeling the Bern' is it au courante again?)

Yes, him and Bill Clinton.

Hate to burst your fantasy bubble, but the rich ARE killing the poor every day through stolen hopes, dashed economic prospects and rules that mean if you're poor you lose. Not as dramatic as hunting the poor down, but vastly more effective.

And here I thought that New Hampshire was only afraid of Massachusetts declaring the whole state a proper suburb of Boston.

Great White Hunters... writing that felt vaguely self-righteous and good; shunning them feels better however.

Everything is relative, and in that, I regard the $7000 (more or less) per year for Ontario universities as being as close to free as you can possibly get.

They best start filing their paperwork now.

Yes, actually you can. Emigrate, get citizenship and return all you want to the US when the weather is foul.

An admirable sentiment Don Quixote

It is funny how Americans, the children of immigrants all, never consider leaving.

Here’s a question for you my friend: Which is easier, getting Bernie elected and getting ANY part of his program implemented, or emigrating your ass to Canada where ALL of his program is rule of law?

I thought the real point was that there is no way Bernie could win the general. Thus, voting for Bernie is the 2016 equivalent of voting for Nader; and how did that work out folks?

“The unconscious agenda dictated by the internet is to value only what speaks to us directly, to approve only of what corroborates our ideals; to never upset people, to write for approval; to create an identity based on who offends you; to govern your conduct with the goal of being admired...”

Nice looking couple...

Exactly.... isn't it rich coming from the guy who was instrumental in starting this shit-storm.

Ignoring all other considerations, there is the reality that most cops are horrible shots. Any time the boys in blue bring out the guns, innocent people die.

So you are assuming that these people can read and think? Whoa! Tall order.

I thought it was David Brooks myself. Shit! You're right.

No, you should vote Democratic because that is the firewall stopping the Republican party from turning the country into Kansas writ large.