
It’s a smart play against a team with no depth behind two great playmakers. Why would you give the puck to them?

Little known fact: the Bilderbergs are all KSU grads. Manhattán, Kansas. The “Little Apple” and headquarters for the deep state shadow government. This guy is onto something big.

There’s a great irony that the people who usually unhesitatingly believe in every conspiracy theory all think Trump/Russia isn’t real.

Hard to believe the FBI is still looking into Russia’s relationship with the Donald but they won’t take a hard look at the number of free throws Kentucky had in a basketball game full of unpaid amateurs. Pathetic.

Never underestimate white peoples ability to be scared by everything.

The venn diagram of Kentucky Basketball Conspiracy Enthusiast and Trump Voter is a perfect circle.

My dad was a salesman, a manufacturer’s rep. He was very successful and a big part of that was his ability to evaluate people. A pretty good golfer, he said that a round of golf was all you needed to find out about someone. How they play, if they cheat, their self control, how they act when they win or lose, and how

Ugh... And he wears tighty-whities.

He only played golf once in his life, got 11 holes in one, and set aside his clubs knowing there was nothing more to learn from the game.

I play a lot of golf. (Disclaimer - I am not great at it, but I persist because I like a challenge.) Anyway, as golfers know, it’s really a mental game and it’s hard to keep your focus for the 4 hours or so that it takes to play 18 holes. So much can go wrong and mess with your head and then your game is screwed. I

well, gonna be a twitter post calling her a terrible golfer, has never achieved anything, been getting worse for years now

He also ran in 2000, but I guess we can chalk that up to Fake News.

Being shitty and cheating at golf is the most mediocre white man thing in the world.

I don’t care that he cheats on his wife, we already knew that. Its the hypocrites in the Christian right and Republican party who support him that disturb me.    

Golf and sex are the two things people will continue doing even if they are bad at it.

That’s how you stay rich.

Kim Jong Il would have wiped the floor with him, though. Much better golfer.

“...Trump’s well-known habit of taking gimmes, no matter how long the putt.” 

Pettersen also brings up Trump’s well-known habit of taking gimmes, no matter how long the putt.

it’s not cheating it’s called preferred lies