
Didn’t Wisconsin used to be a progressive state?

Give that man a hot dog.

The one thing you can say about Clinton that you won’t ever say about trump is that he balanced the budget.

Why bring Don Jr and Eric into the conversation?

And they were the very pants you were on your way to return.

And 239 pounds.

It was Natalie Wood who lost to Robert Wagner. I think you mean Robert Morris.

Jimmies is definitely a Pittsburgh term.

Academically and athletically Pitt would have been a much better fit in the Big 10 than either Maryland or Rutgers, but the Big 10 television network already was in the Pittsburgh Tv market because of Penn State. Maryland and Rutgers provided new access to the D.C. and NY markets.

Totally redundant. It’s the weekend, of course Trump is in Florida.

First off, the Steelers have been sold out since 1972, so how can they sell more tickets. And please explain how the Rooney’s are the worst owners of the most unpopular team in town. Apparently you have never heard of Bob Nutting and the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Jerry, it’s not really a lie if you believe it........George Costanza.

Phil Kessel is a TWO-time Stanley Cup Champion.

Didn’t Howard Stern call Ivanka a “a hot piece of ass” and her father agreed with him?

So it’s kind of like the NFL.

So, why isn’t Jagr playing for the Czech Republic team?

Well, Trump brought Bill Clinton’s accusers to the debate, so we see where Pence got the idea from.

Because S. Korea is the host nation, and we are their guests.

Who do you think is paying for Mike and Mother’s trip?

The Jesse James play then also meets this criteria. He caught the ball, tucked it away and turned upfield to dive into the end zone. The key word in the definition you cited is OR, not and.