
I am on the side of standing for the flag, but I am also at the point where I just don’t give a shit any more. Some of the same people that are acting like they are so outraged that they won’t watch a game again are the same people that when Hillary was going to win the presidency were planning to leave the country

That’s how it is now. It’s fine to disrespect a person or a whole category of persons, on racial, political, religious, social, ethnic or just class issues. It’s fine to disrespect Foreign Heads Of State, their Nations and populations, it’s fine to disrespect Scientists and deride their knowledge, experience and

This just goes to show that we as black people need to keep pushing the issue. Are we not entitled to the same rights? Does the flag not stand for the truth that all men are created equal with certain inalienable rights or does this show that those rights only apply to non-people of color. I’m not trying count the

they understood the protest, but  

It’s simple really. They are testing them. These older white owners DO NOT see “their” players as men. They see them as draft animals who are able to speak but not think for themselves. They see them as living pieces of equipment that exist to entertain them and generate money. They are daring them to actually stand

Guns and God Conservatives on the NFL: Those SOBs are disrespecting the police and veterans!
Guns and God Conservatives after Las Vegas: If the police or army try to take away my guns, there are going to be a lot of dead police officers and soldiers!

So if the government infringes your ‘rights’ you’re going to shoot

So, at what point will the players think about future generations? You kneel for more than yourself. Find another way to feed your family. Or here’s an idea, pool resources and buy some teams. Hell, anything at this point. But bowing down to massa. Cause that is what this is about, control over black bodies and

WHA!?!? All that posturing by white owners and coaches really was just posturing after all? Color me like totally surprised...

This is the greatest issue of the protest...

So basically give Trump what he wants. That is how the US got into this giant mess in the first place. A stupid child named Donald Trump was given everything he wanted by his racist father EXCEPT a ton of money. Little Donnie had to wait until his father croaked for that one, then got it all. Then his life was filled

This is good news! First they don’t care about the protest, then they get mad about the protest, then they start to threaten, then they start negotiating to end the protest! This is exactly how protesting is supposed to go. Teams are already negotiating. They’re offering horrible deals like “one protest then we’re

“If there’s anything that is disrespectful to the flag, then we will not play,” Jones said after his Dallas team played the Green Bay Packers. “Understand? We will not ... if we are disrespecting the flag, then we will not play. Period.”

This is when we need A-list players to really step up and make a scene. We need Zeke and Dez to go out to the middle of Jerry Jones’ alter to the corporate and excess gods (AT&T Stadium) and kneel. We need to force these horrific owners and their political cronies to make a decision of money and winning over “values.”

This is precisely how the Vikings treated me when I spoke up for LBGTQ rights. Keep an eye on what happens with these players when the season ends. Odds are good that all or nearly all will be let go for “performance related issues”, no matter how well they play. It could happen even earlier if one has a semi-bad game.

That’s horseshit. Didn’t happen. I know the report you’re talking about, and the reporter “corrected” himself on twitter by saying that he didn’t ask Kaepernick that question and was relying upon “previous reporting” (aka rumors) when he said that.

Agreed. My son plays youth football and this is his third season. They played the national anthem for the first time this last weekend. This is in small town Texas and I assume this is due to the recent Trump bullshit. I stood on Saturday in the hopes it’s a one off. If they keep it up, I will be sitting from here on

I hate Jerry Jones. He is a loathsome greedy prick who has done more to spoil the NFL fan experience than any owner I can recall. This dirtbag brought about the “personal seat license”. He is a vile man who can now add racist, ignorant jingoist to all of the other crap he’s done. The only good owner in the NFL is that

“My coach said his father served in Desert Storm,” said one special teams player. “He said he fought for our right to take a knee.”

As a Cowboys fan raised by a Cowboys fan you might expect me to defend Jerry.

If the White House was so upset about these protests, why not just pull the DoD funding that is given to the NFL to do this flag waving BS? Also, the armed forces are pretty big advertisers during games. Pull that too.