
No color options are available for $10. Totally misleading.

No color options are available for $10. Totally misleading.

Seriously.... for all the drama etc., this is the first thing I thought of, and I am truly disappointed. The writing has been on the wall for the end of Top Gear for some time now, and I am more or less ok with that. But at least give us one last motoring comparison that has actual value (rather than just hilarious

Nice Jack! Was this the lap you set with zee germans film makers with you at the track?

Yikes. thats a proper accident. I've been indoor karting for a few years now, (and broke the obligatory rib) and just recently tried outdoor karts. Lots of fun, but no seat belts???? I was surprised. Seems like there are plenty of opportunities for things to go badly.

Outdoor karts? Lets hear that story!

For track day, non race events, anything over 180* is considered a spin. You lost control of the vehicle. Granted, the guy did an awesome job of keeping it out of the wall and pointing it back in the appropriate direction. Awesome driving anyway you look at it!

Wow, I watched the ALMS race (cluster) but missed the IndyCar contest. Looks like they had similar challenges.


Is it me or is every car review end up +/- 80 points?

Yes! its a strange monopoly...

I've been lucky enough to make a couple of trips to the ring, and I have to say its one of the greatest thrills of my life. I am probably one of the few that actually came home after my last ring trip, buy a PS3 and GT5 in some vein attempt to capture the experience. The game disk has left the machine since.

+1 Excellent point! In fact, even driving around with a lap timer (that you can check mid lap) is probably not a good idea. Especially for someone at his level. Its a recipe for disaster.

exactly! nice long hood btw!

I hate to say it but, I think its the other way around. Slow in fast out.  P-cars understeer dramatically and require the nose o be set, and a relative slow entry speed. The advantage is being able to get on the power earlier and harder, obtaining a greater exit speed.

edit: "can't" blame him

I was wondering the same. People seem pretty calm around there, so I suppose its doubtful.

hmm, I guess I didn't realize it was a 996. If it is, doesn't bother me. Those boxster lights are fugly! It'd be one of the first cosmetic upgrades I'd consider, so I can blame him.

Thats the beauty of it. You can use throttle steer to help rotate the car, then lay down the power with all that weight behind the rear axle. The "scary" part of the car is also what makes it so effective.

ha ha, thanks. I should have been able to find that! Now I am set. :)

Thanks 914-6. I really appreciate the attention Jalopnik has been giving sports car racing in the last 6-12 months. And of course you are always there promoting it. Cheers to you and the others bringing this here.