Slippery Pete

I agree with your general opinion but “Second, I don’t think golf club members should be left with more money in their pocket to bribe the police department when little Brayden or whoever gets a DUI.” shows you don’t know the membership of Augusta National.  

Any website that has any recipe stating “sautè onions until brown; about 5 minutes” I am out. The writer doesn’t know what they’re talking about


If you get the McD’s app there is a coupon for any sandwich (less the fancy ones and double QP) for a buck. It has been there almost every day all summer.

If it does’t have a drive through, it’s not Fast Food. Comparing Shake Shack and 5 Guys with In N Out is ridiculous. A Double Double is less than $4.  Just about half of what you pay for a burger at the other places.

If it can’t fit a full sized tennis ball in its mouth, it’s not a dog.  Them’s the rules.

They didn’t wait for beer releases, they just drank.

all of those things are just salt, cream, flour and garlic powder.  Mushroom has little bits of mushroom stem, celery has lil bits of celery, chicken has lil bits of unknown chicken product.......  It doesn’t really matter

My biggest issue with Amazon music is the player doesn’t allow continuous play.  Always 1-3 second gap between songs.  That alone made me switch to Spotify.

My biggest issue with Amazon music is the player doesn’t allow continuous play.  Always 1-3 second gap between

You don’t know much about the history of the Lakers gaining assets from other teams, but look up Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Wilt Chamberlin, Magic Johnson (thought a #1 draft acquisition), Shaq, Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol....

I don’t see it so far, but in the realm of sports

his dad was general counsel for Getty Oil. So the answer is; Fuckton

I really dig that one too.

Does a person not use their mind to calculate all the odds and other math necessary to win at poker? That would be a mental ability, rather than a physical ability

I don’t think the southwest desert is really gator climate. If they played in the late spring watching the drunks run away from rattlesnakes would be fun.

Some northern California places are already rebelling against the Hazy IPA with a new Brut IPA. They are super clear and dry to the point that they look like champagne and have very little of the fruit flavors.

I haven’t read the book and I don’t know anything about the case or the crimes, but I do know Scott Jones is a dipshit.

somehow I think if this was an African American former player, it would have gotten a lot of coverage on Bietbart and “Thug” would have been the kindest insult.

The Babka was very good for almost 2 years. Then they did something to it and the texture is all dry and shitty. I have tried getting them just as they are put on the shelf (they get them frozen at the store and defrost each morning) but they are just shitty now. 3 different stores, 5-6 different tries and I returned

No one who has tickets to the Masters wanted to yell Dilly Dilly, it’s a BS story. You have an imaginary idea of who is a marshal at Augusta and what they want to do which is complete bullshit. They are generally locals who get to see a world class event at no cost and hang out with similar sports fans.