
Probably from the 225,000 miles its lived. It is a most excellent car, and I love it more for being a dirty and terrible car. It spits flames. It’s fun. Go ahead and touch it.

This, is the greatest and best car in the world...tribute

Nope. This is how Baby Boomers write stuff. Self-important, overly wordy and pseudo-intellectual. I can literally HEAR the all-white New Balances and leather smartphone belt holster.

I posted this story last year on mother’s day, but whatevs.

With global platforms, Ford will still have the small cars available when the inevitable happens. They won’t be selling them here, but they will have the ability to (federalize them and) bring them here should the demand pick up due to rising fuel prices.

This should be called the Hissy Fit

I’ll never stop missing SpeedVision

I’ve seen a million of them around, even driven a few and never gave them much notion. Just a small crapcan that everybody’s mom drives.

I guess the biggest shocker for me is that someone had a “1994" sticker in their desk to put on the windshield.

We’re going to start building a Prius stockpile now, for the coming Second Carpacolypse.

Toto Wollf

I had a TDI that could automatically detect if it was on rollers so it could go into a special mode to pass the emissions test.

Poor Super Gramps....then again, this does mean we’ll likely be getting vids of him getting fixed and maybe upgraded in the future, and I’m always down for that.

Stef, I am disappoint. Clearly the headline should have been, “Trophy Truck Hits Interrupting Cow.”

I concur.

My first thought was not of sadness, but congratulations for living such a full and successful life.

The man was an absolute legend. Anything that could be done in motorsports he did. I don’t have many heros but Dan was one.