
There isn’t a single “good” cop. In all likelihood your dad is an honest, upstanding person. But all cops are bad. They exist in and reinforce a completely broken system. They protect other bad cops, either explicitly or implicitly. They enforce racist laws. They intentionally practice bad policing, either through

Really? Who gives a fuck?

Owen Wilson, Fozzie Bear, and Terry Bradshaw...  explain please!

i dont give a shit what your dad was. I said what i said. I had a brother in law who was a cop and friends of hte families were cops. Fuck em all. 

It’s mostly Covid that kills cops these days, yet the cops support Covid by not getting vaxxed. Were you under the impression cops are *smart* people?

On the one hand, that’s the officer’s personal opinion, and last I checked, in Canada you’re free to have opinions on things.

I will never get over the irony that cops support Nazi, yet it’s Nazis that kill cops the most.

They’re the chosen whites.

Preventing illegal behavior isn’t Erin’s job. It IS the cop’s job. 

What crime did she commit?

100 fucking percent.

Some of those that work forces…

Almost sounds like he had a mental health breakdown.

We need to fund mental health services better.

I was always under the impression that you simply couldn’t open those passenger / emergency exist doors while the plane was in flight. Maybe the plastic cover of the door moved a couple inches, but I doubt the door itself did.

Yeah and remember when BLM folks tried to protest at the Capitol, they were met with lines of armed law enforcement but WHITE PEOPLE were allowed to overrun it on 1/6?

The hypocrisy in this country is revolting.

What the fuck are you talking about? “fellow radical leftists” are calling for drone strikes??

Every assclown deserves a right to protest.

Could get spicy re: Ottawa copycat protests in US states with recent “it’s ok to run over protestors blocking traffic” legislation.

  • it takes some real focus to keep it on the road above 65 mph