
I once had a flight attendant literally steal $20 from me. I gave him a $20 for a drink, he never brought the drink and denied I gave him the money.

Those look more like stains but maybe the quality of the photo isn’t good enough. I wonder which party is omitting some details.

Im going to put on my full thinking hat here for a second

This is all a fun mob justice idea. But you know who isn’t on the no-fly list? Murderers. Rapists. Jan. 6 coup participants. Drunk drivers who killed people. Michael Flynn. Bernie Madoff (dead, I know). Deadbeat dads. The list goes on.

NGL....if we could just make masks mandatory for all air travel/airports forever regardless of a pandemic or not, id be in favor. People are nasty AF and if it saves X number of people from getting a random travel bug then hooray.

Long-term though, this places an extreme risk of eliminating virtually all air traffic to Miami as the clientele are no-fly’d due to outbursts of violence at various stages of the air travel journey.

“This is all a fun mob justice idea. But you know who isn’t on the no-fly list? Murderers. Rapists. Jan. 6 coup participants. Drunk drivers who killed people. Michael Flynn. Bernie Madoff (dead, I know). Deadbeat dads. The list goes on.”

I mean. The cargo hold is still pressurized.

If this shit had gone down in the early Post-9/11 Aughts, these fuckwhomps would have been bum-rushed and stomped to within an inch of their lives.

Flying on a plane is not a “right.”

They can drive. 

It should be this way anyway.

You are dangerously, perhaps wilfully, incorrect.

Act like an adult and get vaccinated?

Putting these people on a no-fly list wouldn’t be denying them transportation. They could still drive, take a bus, or take a train to distant destinations.

I am still blown away that some 2 years later people still don’t “get it”. I live in one of the most liberal places in the US with close to a 90% vax rate. On any given trip to the store there’s ALWAYS someone or a group of people who are wearing the things under their noses or not at all.

I took ONE plane flight...

Just grab the GOP member list. Problem solved

Support this 100%. This isn’t some shadowy list that people land on for reasons unknown, it’s people convicted of crimes in flight. I don’t think it’s any stretch at all to say you give up your privileges to fly after pulling stunts like that.

Another way to deal is to mandate vaccines for flights and eliminate the mask requirement. That way these schmucks never make it on the manifest in the first place.