
Wonder whatever happened to that band “Wardrobe Malfunction”...

They opened for The Incidental Genitals.

How was it unintentional? They’re extremely detailed so SOMEONE at CDPR had to design those labia

Unintended Vaginas sounds like some sort of really weird avant garde punk band

The absolutely sacrosanct vagina, that can never be shown anywhere or to anyone, ever, in any culture on earth, this wonderful prize of life that men die and kill for, the cradle of all creation...

Honestly Idk even what the hell is going on anymore when there’s literal hardcore pornography for free, like everywhere on

This whole thing is so silly. The game is already rated for nudity, so why is this a deal at all? Am I missing something? Like who’s the person who bought Witcher being shocked that a naked person has genitals?

I’ll play. If their costs go up 2% they’ll raise their prices 17%.

It is an 8 year old game...

“improving peoples lives”

We haven’t even asked if you provide health care, paid time off, and retirement.  If you do, then each of your employers getting a few dollars per hour more should be easy.

$10/hr starting off and 3yr experience making $15/hr? That sir, is shit money. I know restaurants that are tip-less in my area that start dish washers at $15/hr + benefits.

Hate to be a dick here, but if your business relies on minimum wage remaining stagnant, then you have a poor business plan.

But sure, a website says no, so I guess that’s how it works.”

Maybe if you were competent you could pay a living wage rather than expect taxpayers to pick up the slack though programs like food stamps. Of course the fact that inflation hit at the same as record profits will be completely intoned by people like you who exist on the labor of others.

Sounds like your business is not profitable enough. Gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps Matt. This is a free market.

If you have to pay shit wages to make your buisness model work then maybe you need a different business model.

Why are you regurgitating a myth?

A group of 34 Republican senators voiced their displeasure with____

Hold on pardner - there is an element of personal responsibility you are missing. It aint my job to feed ya.............just let that trucker pass through your area as we need that cargo a movin. What you do to eat or breath is your problem.........MURICA!!!!!!!!!! - Thats the current state of Republican thinking!

Which of course, they don’t care about. The same people who worship the Mighty Dollar now would’ve opposed the abolition of slavery because it would make cotton plantations less profitable.