
Here are the 10 states with the most fatal car accidents updated for 2020:

As far as spirited driving goes I’m totally in the personal responsibility camp. Not only should a licensed driver know better but that kind of driving would be against traffic laws.

More importantly, what was that woman doing flying around in a kayak?

ALL DRIVERS from EVERY STATE have been getting noticeably worse in the last few years. People are driving faster, more erratically, less turn signals, keeping smaller distances between the cars in front of them, hogging the left lane, staying in the right lane at on ramps, weaving between lanes, can’t stay in their

Definitely. Even if they already had it spun up and ready to roll, all it would take is 30 seconds of double checking seatbelts, gauges, comms and door handles. She could have floated in front just as they throttled up. Just a lousy scenario. Hope she heals up fully.

From the photo of the area, is it possible the kayaker came around the bend in the river after the pilot started his roll?

If you read the entire article, you would find this gem: “Its pilot says that they have taken off from the gravel bar at least 50 times.”

That’s how it’s done in Alaska. Bush pilots fly in and out of all sorts of random spots near where people and goods need to go, and a gravel bar is pretty ideal as a makeshift runway. Level, no trees, the water gives plenty of runoff room if the worst happens.

It is just standard bush piloting. Lots of places it is still the easiest way to get around. Pilot should still have checked his takeoff and exit first though.

Since this is a tail dragger it has a pretty limited view of what’s in front when not up to speed, and given that kayaks are generally low to the water, my guess is the pilot didn’t see the kayaker paddle into their path and wasn’t aware of them until they were leveling out. With that said, I would not be paddling

That’s why you don’t kayak on a runway.

Murica, summed up in a single photograph. Yeehaw.

Unfortunately, I believe that the answer is Miata. Perfectly balanced, refined, and always under-powered.

Everything that isn’t a pointless obnoxious SUV or Truck. Because fuck mankind.

not buying that.  They have zero R&D cost on them.  This is like the 300, every one is just pure profit.

It came out in 2009?

Man are the new Camaros Fugly

So is the Dodge Journey actually dead? I thought it died around 2005, but found out they still had 2020s. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a 2022 Journey out there. Same with the Voyager, which I think was last redesigned in the 90s.

The Ecosport seems as if it was designed for markets like Asia or Brazil

Miata sales have been stable, and are way up this year. And thinking gas will somehow reach $10/gallon is... something.