
I’m not going to play nice. How the fuck does this not apply to Jalopnik you stupid fuck?

Right on!! Imagine a Jalopnik writer writing an article about an automotive topic to come up in discourse that will not only affect 100% of American Jalopnik readers but also the entire American automotive buyer’s market regardless of whether someone is buying a vehicle as an ‘appliance’ or that they’re a hardcore

You have more faith in America than I do.

Mitsubishi Mirages selling for over $20,000 is going to bother me for the rest of the day at least.

My only advice on this is to remember which dealers marked stuff up like this and never give them your business.

Also, this. 

You know a dealership is sketchy when they have to invoke a founding father in their name to appear trustworthy, but then toss on some theatrical bs like “ole” to the front, lest anyone think it was named after a contemporary Ben Franklin.

It’s a weird comparison, as passenger vehicles and tanks are completely different types of vehicle serving completely different roles.

Tanks also have a turning radius of zero... making them far more ideal for dense neighborhoods with really narrow streets, and tight parking.

Not sure that was the best use of a bar graph...

I don’t think cheap and well made are something that can or will be done again. At least not from GM. Most businesses school of thought is if it’s cheap, cut corners on quality, if it’s well made, jack up the price. Sure, they would make some money on a cheap and well made car, but not as much as they would on a pile

You missed an important follow up question to Ms. Cook’s statement that antique vehicles are kosher: “These vehicles are over 25 years old, does that not make them antique?” 

As I waited (and waited) for the pictures to load (kinja on mobile), I thought “I wonder if it’s the car Lumina or van Lumina, I should comment that”. But then the comments wouldn’t load. Refresh, wait, refresh again, comments finally load, and that brings us to now, 5 minutes later.

There’s only one Lumina in the world I’d consider to be worth that amount of dosh and it’s this one.

LoL. “Best” and “Chevy Lumina.” I like your optimism.

“A house divided by a Q7 cannot stand”

This is California, so he will do 6 months for the burglary, suspended license for the reckless driving, and 7 years for illegally driving in the ev/carpool lane.

BMW with blinker on ... that’ s an automatic 3 month sentence reduction!

A T2 is in a whole different category of slowness and crudeness compared to a Vanagon (unless that Vanagon is a diesel). And this Vanagon, with some useful power from the upgrade and a new trans, will scoot down the road nicely. And the ride quality on Vanagons is typically fantastic.

Yeah with all the stickers (on the bike rack too), the questionable smoked lenses, and rust, it’s just too much asking price.