
His full name is Barfolomew

don’t have the bang BOOM sticks.

I wish I had that experence with my only trip to a Lexus dealer. I got to stand in the parking lot by myself. Leaned against the car I was interested in by myself. No one came to talk to me and when I went inside they acted like I didn’t exist.

The best sunscreen is the one you will wear but I have a hard time recommending any spray. Working summers at a pool through college the kid that used the spray was too often the kid that got burn badly

Maybe but it would have made more sense to do this over a decade ago when HD was demo-ing the first Livewire. It was a working bike that the public got to see and ride. So why now?

I was under the impression that all cars were in the US were Federally required to have a basic immobilizer (programed chip in the key. No fob required) but that seems to not be the case

There are rules governing those searches you listed and limits to how far those searches can go without cause and without a warrant.

An illegal search is always an illegal search. Sadly it will take someone challenging this latest powergrab in court to remind CBP to get a warrant

Got to stack your adapters too. In high school a friend had an 8 track in their clunker with an adapter to cassette and then a wired cassette to headphone jack for their phone. Now there are even bluetooth cassette adapters

Yeah, no.

CBP needs a swift kick in the nuts from a Federal Judge or the Supreme Court. Cars are often considered similar to your house and this should require a warrant

Yes, and what his University is charging is cheap. Where I got my Bachelors is $500 for the school year and another $170 for the summer. Motorcycles are only $70 and everything else with two wheels and a motor is $30.

My first thought was of the drivers we saw just this winter

Not sure which was truly the least powerful but here is my list ACVW Beetle, 1.6na diesel swapped Samurai, stock Samurai, 1970-something toyota pickup

I’m also hoping the Si fixes the plump marshmallow face of the generation

No idea, I heard the stories from the old guys while working on a 72 in the early 2000s. I should have bought that 72 off them when offered looking back at it

Every mention of Tucker is lacking if we do not include this beautiful George Carlin quote

Check out the 1972 911. Had an oil door on the rear finder. Story goes it only lasted a year for this exact issue

It fits really well and still has the bonus of the FWD bellhousing that makes a lot of GM swaps easy

88 Fiero GT with a 3800 Series II L67 Supercharged V6